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"Laurens, mon ami, that is the worst idea I have ever heard."

Hercules walked around our beds to put his arm around John's shoulders. "I agree with the baguette," he said. Then he grinned. "But if you really think this could work, take the idea to Washington."

His eyes met mine and we both started laughing. There's no way Washington would go for this. John is a smart man, but his love for turtles makes him stupid. But eventually he started laughing with us and we were a mess.

"Ok, ok! Maybe sending turtles to spy on the British has some flaws," he wheezed.

The sad thing was that I wasn't even sure if he was being serious or not. We did have a few drinks earlier...

"Some is an understatement," I told him when I caught my breath. Hercules was stretched out on the bed and John was leaning on him in an undignified heap.

Just as he was about to say something in retaliation, Hamilton burst into the tent in distress. His eyes looked scared. It unnerved me. Usually they look bloodshot and depressed.

"Alex! What's wrong?" John asked, immediately standing to put a hand on the small man's shoulder.

I looked over as well and Hercules sat up. Alexander's eyes went to mine and Herc's before he spoke.

"Laf, Herc, the General wants to see you. Now. Like, now now. Hurry up, I think he was about to kill someone."

I was already moving before he finished speaking. If Washington wanted to see us and Alexander was this frazzled, this was something very important. I grabbed my coat and put it on as I rushed out of the tent. Hercules was right behind me.

"What happened?" I heard John ask.

"I don't know, I gave Washington a letter and..."

That was all I heard before we got too far away.

"What do you think he wants?" Hercules asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know, mon ami. Do you think we're in trouble?"

Herc's step faltered and he put his head down. "I hope not. I don't even think we did anything this time."

I just kept my gaze focused on my footsteps. Hercules was right. We haven't done anything wrong lately. And if we did, Washington would have called all four of us to his tent. But what does that letter have to do with this?

My thoughts were cut off as we stood in front of the General's tent. I glanced over at Hercules for some reassurance. I was never nervous when Washington wanted to see me, but this felt off. I took a deep breath before opening the tent flap and stepping inside with Mulligan's heavy footsteps following behind me.

"You asked to see us, Your Excellency?" Herc started unsurely.

Washington was sitting at his desk, staring at a piece of paper with such intensity it may set aflame. His head raised to look at us and his eyes seemed darker somehow. Whatever was in that letter couldn't be good. We were probably losing the war, or Congress refused to send out more resources.

"That I did, Mr. Mulligan. I have a mission for the both of you. It is of the utmost importance and must be carried out immediately," he said.

I instantly straightened up and felt my blood race with adrenaline. It's been pretty boring around here with Alexander getting all the news and promotions. "What's the mission, General?" I asked.

Washington looked at me and pressed his fingers together before responding, "My daughter, Y/N, has been captured by British General Howe and is being held at their camp. You two are going to find her and bring her back to me alive, and unharmed. Are we clear?"

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