He said no.

James' coughing broke me out of my thoughts.

"You good, Jemmy?" I asked. I put a hand on his shoulder as he went through his third coughing fit in the last two hours. He worries me with that cough, but it's been around so long I think it's genetic.

He waved me off. "I'm fine. I guess I can let you help, although it's counterproductive to you learning to be a housewife, don't you think? Not that anyone would want to marry you," he said with a smirk.

I hopped off the desk and glared at him. "Oh? And what do you know about marriage? The only Mrs. Madison I know of is your mother."

"Shut it, Washington. And shouldn't you be leaving soon anyway? It's getting late."

My eyes rolled. "You're just mad I have better comebacks. But if it makes you feel better about yourself, I'll leave."

I also have to check the mail to see if dad sent another letter. If I'm lucky I'll convince him to let me fight this time.

"I'm right though," he said. "And you've been here all day. Your mother is probably worried."

My shoulders drooped, knowing he was right. Mom was extra worried about me with dad gone and my numerous escape attempts.

I'm not giving up though. I'll see battle, just you wait.

With a small smile, I grabbed my things and headed out the door. "I'll see you later, Jemmy!"

James smiled back and waved at me. "Bye Y/N. Tell your mom I said hi."

Shutting the door behind me, I carefully picked my way to the carriage. It was way darker outside than I thought; I really had been at Montpelier all day. Oh well, not the first time. Mercifully, Mount Vernon isn't that far away. I rested my head in my hand and drifted off to the horse's hoof beats.

When I woke up, I was still in the moving carriage. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but the sun was rising. The trip back to Mount Vernon does not run overnight.

I immediately started panicking. This is bad. I could be kidnapped. I could be dreaming. I could be dreaming that I was kidnapped. Or I could be dreaming because they knocked me out to kidnap me. My breathing quickly became erratic. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down, but it wasn't working.

Giving up on that, I peeked out the window. I was surrounded by trees. Unfamiliar trees.

Oh I've most definitely been kidnapped. What do I do?! It's not like I can call for help, and who would I call anyway? I could sneak out the back, but where would I go? And most importantly, who kidnapped me?!

And then the stupid hit me like a carriage.

I've been captured by the British army. They're using me to get to dad. They lack so much creativity, it's honestly disappointing. Or was it more disappointing that I didn't see this coming? Oh well.

Knowing that small fact helped me get a handle on my breathing. I managed to calm down enough to take deep, steady breaths. The best thing I could do right now was sit up straight, and steel myself for whatever's coming. I'm a Washington. They will not see me afraid.

As soon as that encouraging monologue was over, the carriage stopped and the door swung open to reveal two men in British uniforms. I couldn't stop the look of fear that crossed my face.

"Much prettier in the daylight, don't you think?" one of them spat.

The other nodded. "Shame we're probably gonna have to mess up that beautiful face of hers. If daddy doesn't pay up, that is."

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