this year's love, every year

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Joe had gone down to concierge to pick up a parcel, a parcel he was kind of nervous about. He wanted to ask Dianne and Lillie to move in properly, they had practically lived here since December, Lillie having her own room done and their stuff being constantly around his apartment, but it wasn't official yet, and he wanted to make it official. He bought this photo frame that had him, Dianne and Lillie all dressed in their clothes they wore for Blackpool. Lillie wasn't there at Blackpool week but Bryon had sent them a picture of her being dressed in one of her pretty dresses to feel like she was properly in the audience watching them. It had all three of them in lego form with a quote "this year's love, every year" as they did their vienesse waltz to this year's love in the semis. He hoped they would say yes, it would be a bit weird if they didn't, baring in mind they had stayed in his house for the past however many months. He managed to find a little bit of wrapping paper to wrap the box in, also writing a note with it.

He wandered into the living room with the gift, note and a pen, and sat down next to Dianne and Lillie who were sat doing nothing apart from Lillie watching Dianne as she scrolled through her Instagram and replied to dms she had received.

"Hey Joseph, you come to join us?" Dianne asked turning her head away from her phone so she could look at him.

"I did, but I also have something for you, and you" he tapped Lillie's nose at the end, getting her attention more as well as making her giggle her infectious laugh.

"And what's that?" Joe placed the gift onto Dianne's lap, smiling at the side of her. "Aww Joseph" Dianne cooed just at the gift wrapped.

"Read the note first"

To my beautiful girlfriend (dotty) and my gorgeous girl (Lillie)
I love you both so much and always want you to feel at home here.
So I hereby officially invite you to live in my humble abode with me.
    Do you want to move in with me?

         YES                       NO

          (Circle your choice)

   All my love,
                     Joseph xxxx♡

Lillie took the pen from the top of the gift and circled yes for them both. Joe grinned even wider as they took off the wrapping paper to reveal what was underneath.

"Oh my gosh joey" Dianne felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Joey, I wuv you" Lillie climbed over her mum to give him a massive hug.

"I love you too baby girl"

"Joseph, you are too cute, I love you so much" Dianne turned her head away from the picture frame and kissed him lightly, tears coming down her face properly now.

"I love you more" Joe smiled at his girls again, just appreciating them in that moment and everything that he had.

A/N Sorry this is so short but felt like had to include it bc it's a special moment innit. Also the final chapter is on Friday and I'm weirdly excited for it, hope you enjoyed it anyway. Bella xx

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