joey lillie day

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"Joseph I'm going out with Amy now" Dianne said coming down the stairs and walking into the living room sitting down next to him.

"Kay darlin have a good time" Joe leant forward and kissed her lips before Lillie came running in.

"Mummy are you going now?" She asked climbing up onto Dianne's lap.

"I am baby be good for joey okay?"

"I always good"

"Hmmm sometimes" Dianne smiled and booped her nose. "anyway I'm gonna get going have a nice time without me you two" Dianne gave Lillie a kiss goodbye and handed her to Joe as she walked towards the door.

"We have stuff planned, enjoy your time with Amy"

"I will, bye" Dianne called as she shut the door behind her.

"So missy I have a mission for us" Joe said turning to Lillie and lifting her onto his lap facing him.


"What does your mummy love?"

"Me, you, swicly, famiwy.."

"Items baby"

"Erm, cwoves I guess or dat juice tingy, or jewery, or I dunno anyfing else"

"Well why don't we go and see what we can find her at the shops ey because she needs her birthday presents"

"Yeppy, you can't have a birfday wivout presents"

"Exactly so go get your shoes on and then we'll go" Joe placed her back onto the floor as she ran to get her shoes from by the door.

"You need help with your laces Lills?"

"Errr yeah pwease" Joe tied her laces on her trainers and slid her coat onto her before grabbing her hand and heading out the door to the car in the garage downstairs.

"Joey, can I push the button?" Lillie asked getting into the lift.

"Sure you can, we want G for ground floor baby" Lillie pushed the button and they began to move down her jumping up and down clearly excited for her day with her joey.


They arrived in town and wandered through the streets when they saw a charity shop.

"Joey tan we look in ver mummy likes them shops"

"Course we can let's go in and see if we can find anything else for her" they were kind of only looking for little bits out in town Joe having already ordered her juice maker and bike online.

"Joey wook a mummy t-shirt" Lillie pointed to a t-shirt that had ariel printed on the front.

"It is a mummy t-shirt, do you wanna get that from you?" Joe asked the little girl who had the shirt tightly in her hands.

"Yep pwease"

"Okay so we get that, a card and then we can go home and make lunch you can help joey cook it if you want"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I wuv making wunch!" Lillie bounced up and down handing the t-shirt to Joe as they went to go pay.

"Well that's good isn't it?" Joe said ruffling her hair.


"Where's my Lillie and my Joey then?" Dianne called when she walked through the door and soon enough her bouncy daughter was running towards her.

"Mummy your back!" Lillie jumped into her arms.

"Yeah I am, did you have a good day with Joey?" Dianne asked as Joe came wondering over.

"Yep it was great I can't say what we did vough, it a secwet, but I did spill my juice down me at wunch" Lillie said pointing to her shirt that was on the floor from having it changed.

"Well you got cleaned up didn't you"

"Yep" Dianne put Lillie back on the ground and she ran off back to the film on the tv.

"How was your day?" Joe asked kissing her lightly.

"It was good, nice to spend time with Amy, how was your day with little one?"

"It was good too, she was amazing, always asking when you were coming back though I think she missed you"

"Awww bless, can I join in with this movie then?" Dianne let go of joe and walked towards the sofa, she sat down and Lillie immediately laid her head on her lap falling asleep shortly after obviously tired but so was her mum as she had her head on Joe's chest she fell asleep too.

A/N idek what half of these chapters are rn but wanted to include one like this of like one on one time with Lillie and Joe so hope you enjoyed it even tho it's short. Bella xx

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