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"Mummy" Lillie whined walking into her mummy and joey's room in the early morning.

"Are you okay baby?" Dianne rolled over away from Joe to scoop her daughter up into her arms.

"Not weally, my tummy feel sicky and my head hurty too"

"Awww sweetie, I'll get you some Calpol for your head okay, you lie here with Joey, call me if you need me." Dianne got up and placed Lillie in her spot of the bed going into their bathroom to get her Calpol out of the cupboard. "Here you go honey, one spoon," Lillie gulped it down her eyes beginning to close again. "Another one baby then I'll come back into bed and we can all sleep again okay?"

"Otay." Lillie had the last mouthful before cuddling into Joe's back, feeling the bed dip as her mum got in next to her shuffling to be closer to her, and slowly she drifted off to sleep.


Joe woke up surprised to see Lillie in the bed, he turned over to face both of them and saw Dianne was awake just lying there with her eyes open staring at him.

"Morning gorgeous, why's little one in bed and why are you staring at me?"

"Morning joey, she came in a few hours ago saying she had a headache and a poorly tummy so I gave her Calpol for her head and I'm hoping her tummy will sort it self out a bit and I'm staring because you're cute when you sleep" Dianne smiled.

"Bless her, and I would come over and kiss you right now but a 4 year old is kinda in the way" Joe giggled.

"Oh well just lean over her" Joe leant over Lillie and pressed his lips against Dianne's, taking in her scent and morning beauty.

"Are we gonna get her up or let her sleep or what?"

"I'll just pick her up and take her to the sofa, that way we can still have breakfast and keep an eye on her if she wakes up" Dianne said beginning to move out of bed.

"Okay we'll do that, I'm presuming your coffee and porridge yeah?"

"Yep, please" Dianne scooped up Lillie and walked down the stairs, into the living room, placed her on the sofa and got a blanket to cover her before going back to drink her coffee.

"Mummy, Joey?" Her little voice said about half an hour later.

"We're over here baby, you feeling any better?" Dianne placed her porridge down and went over to her daughter on the sofa.

"Erm, my heady okay, but my tummy feel worsf tan it was"

"Oh baby, do you wanna try just some toast and water so you at least having something in your belly"

"Otay I try, I sorry if I be sicky vough"

"It's not your fault honey, you lay here and I'll go make you some toast" Dianne got up off the sofa and after informing Joe on how she was, got her some toast and a little cup of water. "Here you go sweetheart, remember though little sips of water and little bites of toast okay, you don't have to eat it all either" Dianne put the plate down in front of her and sat rubbing her back knowing it made her feel better.

"Otay mummy, fank you"

"It's okay sweetie"

Soon enough Lillie was throwing up everything she had just eaten into the toilet, whilst Dianne sat and held her hair back and Joe called her school saying she wouldn't be in reception today.

"Awww Lills bless you, do you feel any better?" Dianne wiped Lillie's mouth with some toilet roll and held her head to her chest letting her collapse into her.

"A bit, am I not going to school today?" Lillie lifted her head up off Dianne's chest and saw her mummy pouting at her, she already knew the answer.

"No I'm sorry baby, you won't be in until this little bug goes away okay"


"Wanna go get under a blanket with Joey on the sofa and watch a film?" Dianne suggested lifting her head up to look into her gorgeous brown eyes. She nodded and lifted her arms up for Dianne to pick her up onto her hip and walk through to the living room where Joe was already sat waiting for them to come out of the bathroom.

"How are you feeling Lills?"

"Better but filmy and snuggles now" Dianne placed her down next to Joe and he immediately wrapped his arm round her letting her cuddle into his chest, whilst he stroked her blonde curls.

"What film are we watching then?" Dianne asked sitting down on the sofa next to Joe his other arm wrapping round her as well.

"I don't mind just choose something we'll probably end up falling asleep anyway"

And he was right soon enough the film was just background noise as the three of them lay there asleep in each other's arms, looking like a real little family.

A/N I don't know what this chapter is to be honest and is another filler, but wanted to do a chapter like this do did it, hope you enjoyed. Bella xx

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