Chapter 25 - That's... true.

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"Good," he says with a small smile.

"This is what you meant by you volunteering to be here, isn't it?" I guess with narrowed eyes. "You volunteered to be one of my watchers so we could make this deal."

"Yes," he admits. "I'm not an asshole but I do have some rogue traits. Craftiness tops the list."

I sigh. "Fine, well, just make sure you hold up your end of the deal, yeah?"

"I will, but I'll need a little time," he replies, standing up and heading for the door. "I have a plan."

"How much exactly is 'a little time'?" I ask, a smidge of doubt slowly creeping in.

"I'm not sure," he admits, turning to look at me. "But I will be back, I promise."

"And you really can't tell me why I'm here?" I ask hopefully.

"Sorry," he says, shaking his head and looking at the door. "I've got to go or they'll wonder what's taking me so long. Just... sit tight."

"Funny," I tell him sarcastically. "Just hurry up and get me out of here."

"I will," he says again before opening the door and exiting the room.

The sound of his footsteps drifts back down the hallway outside and, as I listen to them, I can't help but wonder whether I've just made a terrible mistake.


I've been sat in this chair for what feels like almost an hour and, still, Devlin has not returned. Now, not only is there pain in my arms and legs, but my butt is beginning to ache as well. Great. On the upside, the pounding in my head has calmed down to no more than a dull ache.

"Come on, Devlin..." I whisper to myself.

God, I sure hope he's keeping to his end of the deal. What's taking him so long? What if someone else arrives before he gets back? What if he's not even helping me at all?

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps slowly make their way towards my room, and I can't help the slight hope and relief that begins to surface.

It's Devlin, it has to be! He's been ages. In no more than an hour I'll be back home with-

My thoughts cut off the second the door opens to reveal a man who is definitely not Devlin.

Oh... my... God...

The guy is huge! I think he has muscles on his muscles, and it's safe to say he terrifies me already. He looks quite a bit older than me, maybe in his late forties? His black hair has greyed a little and his blue eyes pierce straight into me with such a hostile intensity that I can't help but cower back in my seat.

For the first time in a long time... I'm verging on petrified, and I want nothing more than for both my parents to be with me. Now.

Never in my life have I met a wolf so dark and powerful as the one currently stood in front of me.

It's too late. Devlin's too late. I'm going to die, right here, right now.

Even if I weren't tied to the chair, there's no way I'm strong enough to win a fight against this guy.

"Ah, Lucy," the guy says in a rough, commanding voice that gives off nothing but power. It's not the right kind of power, though, not like David's or Justin's, this kind of power is so wrong it causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end and a shiver to run down my spine. There's no point in even trying to hide my fear from him, I'm pretty sure he can smell it. "How nice of you to drop by..."

OMEGA (Under Rewrite)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن