14 - The Thoughts

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Time flew very fast, both of us were too engrossed in learning about each other's company to notice that it was already about time to get our lunch.

As soon as we did become cognizant of it, I then started packing up my things. I was thinking of going back to the office and reporting to my father first, however, Justin invited me to have lunch with him.

Me being the Allene that I am, somehow refused the invitation because let's be real, I can't afford it. Then, he insisted that it will be his treat and once again I declined, I didn't want to owe him anything anymore other than the deal itself.

But then, he threatened to withdraw on our agreement so, I was basically forced to come with him.

Upon coming to the restaurant that he liked, he couldn't hold his laughter any longer and started laughing boisterously.

"You should've seen you face when with the mere mention that I'll be backing out on the agreement. You just turned white as a ghost! Haha."

I couldn't help but groan at him, "Do you think it was hilarious? I mean, at least for me it wasn't. This is a huge deal, Justin."

My only chance, but, of course, I didn't tell him that.

"Sorry." He said trying to hold back his smile, "I understand how it is for you and I certainly wouldn't do such thing to you, Allene. Not ever. I'm a man of my words. You can trust me on that."

Well, from our conversation earlier, I did learn quite a a lot things from him and about him.

Found out how devilish he truly is but despite that, he did have the usual CEO qualities when it comes to business. He just treated me differently because like what he explained earlier, I did gave him a vibe that I didn't have any other motives and I was all in for just pure business.

He also informed me that he wasn't always in the country because of his business ventures and he was required to at least check on his shops and people once or twice a month.

Justin was just staying a bit longer this time due to some personal matters.

When the food that Justin ordered for us was served, the two of us were rather famished and quietly ate. Yet, it seems that he couldn't withstand the silence so, he started chattering again,

"So tell me, Allene, do you have a partner?" He inquired making me almost choke on my food.

Not because I was taken aback from the query but, it was because of my thoughts when Callum's beaming face flashed at the back of my mind.

Get a grip, Allene! He's your friend and he's not interested in you more than that. Plus, you do have a partner and that's Corrie!

"Ah, yes, I do. Why do you ask?" I retorted.

He shrugged, "I see, it's nothing. You could say that I was just curious." He said, "Hmm, what does he do for a living? Do you live with him? Do you see him often? And how long have you guys been together?"

I then stared at him in confusion, I couldn't comprehend why he was inquiring about such things but, at this point, I don't mind anymore.

"He's a nurse from a hospital downtown. No, I don't live with him, I still am living with my second family. We don't come face to face with each other regularly. It's only twice or thrice at best for a month due to his erratic schedule and we've been together for a year now." I answered truthfully.

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