5 - The Unforgettable Night

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As soon as the CEO left the conference room, the president immediately followed. Sabrina then turned to me and infuriation was evident in her eyes.

She then strode beside me and from her balled fist I could tell that she's holding herself back from slapping me hard in the face.

"That was impressive of you, Allene. You really like getting in my way don't you? Haven't you had enough on ruining my life?" she mocked with fury and I kept silent. Countering back would just put me into more trouble.

"Don't think too highly of yourself now, Ms. Collins. And I would also suggest to keep your ugly face away from me for I am this close on hitting you." she gritted and I just turned away.

Sabrina then looked at me disgustingly from head to toe before she pushed me aside and walked away as her team followed.

I heaved out a heavy sigh and muttered, "Just two more years, Allene." under my breath.

Two more years and I will finally be out of their hold and I can leave my hellish kind of life. I would probably resign from this company and be out of their sights.

Just two more years. I can do this.

I got through my last task for the day before I settled the president's schedule for tomorrow and my things. As I was done with them, I straightened up from my cubicle and left.

I didn't want to go home.

I know that Sabrina would apprise everything that happened in the conference to Camilla and the old woman would unleash her wrath on me for doing such thing.

What can I do? The CEO asked me! Is that even my fault? Is it also my fault that she didn't thoroughly studied her own presentation? I was just pointing out the project's error for the love of cheesecake! Why do they need to blame me for their own shortcomings?

I took out my phone and saw Corrie's face on the background. A small smile escaped my lips upon seeing his face so I decided to call him.

But to my luck, his voicemail is the one who greeted me meaning he's currently on duty.

I proceeded to the nearest park downtown and sat on an empty bench facing the lake. The park was notably silent and only few presence of people were there. The sun has already set so they might be heading home anytime now.

It then led me back to my thoughts.

It's kind of depressing having no one to talk to when you needed it the most. Sometimes I can't help but beg the heavens to bring back my Mother. If she was still here, I would not be silently crying my heart out. She would squeeze me tight and wipe my tears away. My mother would also bake cookies for me after I was done sobbing.

I miss her.

If only she wasn't involved in that car accident fourteen years ago.

Her memories caused the watering of my eyes and I can't help but to let it all out.

I haven't been crying for so long and I needed this. I could only take so much for what's happening in my life. I may show up an unaffected front but, I still have feelings after all.

I was then startled when I felt someone caressed my back, only to see that it was Callum.

What the-

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