Chapter 22: Where's Stiles?

Start from the beginning

"Something like that," he cackled. Why couldn't this guy just get to the fucking point already? I thought angrily.

"Oh my god, seriously dude? Can we get this show on the road? I've got grocery shopping to do," I snapped.

"You talk an awful lot for someone hooked up to an electrocution device," he observed. I tried to control my expression as I panicked inside. I definitely should have surveyed the room a little better when I woke up. Sure enough, there were wires hooked to my chains, which connected to a machine covered in dials. He smiled devilishly at my sudden silence. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction though, even if I would get zapped.

"Silence isn't in my vocabulary," I shrugged. Or tried to. Being chained up made it a little difficult. His creepy smile turned into a dangerous glare. He moved closer to the machine and I gulped.

"Have it your way," he said, and turned a dial.

FUCK. Electricity coursed through my body. But not like the pleasant electrical shock Derek's touches gave me... no. This was incredibly painful. Every single muscle in my body was flexed uncontrollably- and on fire. The pain was hot and excruciating, passing through me in a constant wave. An involuntary, pained roar left my body as he turned it up a notch with a sadistic smile plastered on his stupid face. My eyes flashed crimson orange and my fangs grew out of my mouth. He turned the dial even higher- and I screamed.

            *                            *                                *

"STILES!" I screamed, falling to my knees as electricity coursed through me. I heard his pained roar moments before. I thought he was taking a little long at the store... but I didn't know something was wrong until now. I cursed myself for not paying closer attention. I crawled across the floor of the loft until I reached my phone where it sat on the counter. I dialled Scott immediately.

"Derek? Derek what's going on? Somethings wrong," Scott said as soon as he picked up. "I heard Stiles' roar, it sounded like he was in pain."

"Stiles," I breathed, trying to gain a little more control of my voice. "Someone's electrocuting Stiles."

"What?! Where is he?" Scott demanded angrily.

"I- I don't know. He just went to get groceries and then suddenly I felt his pain," I answered quickly, rising to my feet as the pain stopped. "The pains stopped," I informed him.

"We need to find him," Scott said, and I heard his bike start in the background. "I'll start at the grocery store."

I nodded. "I'll follow the mate bond," I responded before hanging up.

I pulled on my shoes and sent a group text to the pack and the Winchester's that said - 'Someone took Stiles. He's getting electrocuted. Scott's going to start looking at the grocery store, I'm following the mate bond. We need to find him.' I put the phone back in my pocket as I took off into the woods at a run, ignoring the vibrations from all of their responses. I didn't have time to check those right now. I calmed my mind and focused on my mate.

Pain. Anger. Frustration. The feelings were fairly strong. Good- he's still in Beacon Hills. I followed the pull and tried to keep my thoughts from spiralling out of control. At first I thought it might be an assassin that took him... but they would have just killed him outright to make sure they got their money. But whoever had him was torturing him, electrocuting him. As much as I hated it, it meant he was still alive... which was a relief. It suddenly dawned on me then as I remembered how many times Kate had done that to me. Hunters. My legs moved faster at the thought.

Suddenly my phone rang in my pocket, and I pulled it out as I continued to run, Scott's name flashing across the screen.

"Scott?" I asked in the speaker.

"Nothing. His Jeeps still here, but no scent for me to follow... I lost it in the trees. You?" He asked.

"I can feel him. Heading south-east through the woods," I answered. I pulled the phone away from my face and let out a quick howl to signal my location.

"Got you," Scott said when I put the phone back to my ear. He hung up and I kept running. Five minutes later my alpha was running beside me, following my lead as we dodged through the trees.

             *                          *                           *
I was attempting to appear nonchalant as I panted, my body sagging against the chains holding me to the frame.

"A real live werefox," the vulture mused. "I've never seen one before. How about you shift for me?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're kidding right? What- do I look like some kind of circus animal to you?" I ground out through my teeth.

"Actually- yes," he sneered with a tone and look of disgust.

"Oh come on, Hitler, it's the 21st century! Don't be so racist," I scoffed. Fucking hunters.

"You're an abomination! You shouldn't exist," he seethed. I raised my eyebrows.

"I was spot on with the Hitler assumption then," I smirked.

He was practically fuming now and I laughed in his face. It was a mistake, but I didn't care at this point. This guy is a total asshat. He stepped back up to the device and turned a knob sharply. I roared at the pain, my eyes flashing. He suddenly stopped it and I sagged with relief.

"You're an alpha, aren't you?" He asked me, staring into my eyes. Or rather, at the colour of my eyes.

"What happened to 'we only hunt those who hunt us'?" I demanded angrily, avoiding the question by asking one of my own. The vulture just chuckled at me.

"I don't follow a stupid code. I kill monsters, because they deserve it. Because they're all murderers. Because it's what's right." He preached. Oh lord. This dude is legitimately crazy.

"I know a few real hunters, you know- the ones who have honour and follow a code?- who would be interested to know there's a rouge hunter out and about," I observed. I had to keep him talking so Derek could find me. I could feel him through the bond. He's close.

The vulture set his jaw at my words and turned the dial again, this time much higher than last. I must be really pissing him off, I thought with a laugh. I let out another roar, mostly for Derek and the packs benefit- so they could find me. But I knew Derek didn't need it. He would find me no matter what. This so called 'hunter' must be a real idiot, letting me howl and roar like this. Does he know nothing about werewolves? Did he not realize I was signalling my location loud and clear? Idiot.

The wolfsbane was still in my system, and my body was a lot weaker than it should be. This time when he stopped the electrocuting, I couldn't keep my head from falling to my chest,  couldn't keep my eyes from falling closed. Every limb and muscle ached with pain and exhaustion, the chains cutting into my skin where they held me against the frame, blood dripping down my body into a puddle on the floor. If Derek didn't get here soon, I might actually die from this. I couldn't heal with the wolfsbane... and my human body wouldn't be enough to withstand any more torture. The sadistic vulture hadn't even really asked me any questions either. Was this just for his amusement? It probably was- the guys seriously messed up.

"Derek," I breathed, a silent plea to my mate.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book Two {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now