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The club was beautiful. It jad a big dance floor in the center and in the back was the bar. On top of the bar you could see the VIP section but the only to get in way through the elevator which was across the bar in the far corner. The music was so loud I could feel the beat in my heart. I loved it. I walked over to the bar and could feel more and more eyes on me.

I sat on a stool from the bar and ordered, "Two shots of Tequila please." I took the shots as fast as I could. I wanted to get this over with.
I tired the stool so that I could look at the whole club. I saw the security at the entrance of the elevator so I pulled out the VIP card and started walking over. I pulled my shoulders back, held my head high, and walked woth the most confidence I had.

I gave the security men my card and they let me in. The elevator was going up when I realized that Kalvin was there as well as the owner of the bar and some half naked gurls. The owner of the bar was one of my friends I had made in one of my missions, his name was Aurelio and he loved me. He was also a former agent. He knew I was an agent too the only thing he didn't know that my mission was to kill Kalvin.

The elevator made a ding and I stepped out. When Aurelio say me his face lit up. "Victoria! Is that you?"

"Hello, Aurelio! Did you miss me?" I went in for a hug.

He grabbed my arm and said "Come, come I have someone you should meet!"

The VIP section was dark. Un was a vast open area with 5 circular sofas and elegant coffee tables in the middle. Aurelio pulled me into the farthest sofa where you got the perfect view of the club and there he was.

Kalvin Manifel was right in my grasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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