Chpt. 1

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My family is a family of spy's. We worked for the Casanovian government and my first job started at the age of 2. I was so called special but I've never felt like it. All mission given to me were 100% completed and always done on time that's why I got the name "Victoria" for every one of my "victories".

It was the 5th of June when the agency decided to give me the Kalvin Case. The Kalvin Case or the KC was the hardest case in the agency and I was the youngest spy to be giving the job. I knew I was ready.

Kalvin Manifel was the most notorious mafia leader and had never been caught but this time the agency had a lead and they were ready to test everything out. As for me I just wanted to get this mission over with. If I did this could set me free of the agency and I wouldn't have to work for them anymore. I was good and everything but I hated it here.

Everyday was spent training and I wanted a normal life. In the agency if you finished 50 missions you had the option of leaving. Most paper don't finish and if they do they are already old like 60 years old. But me... not me I'm 21 and the KC was going to be my 50th.

I was ready.

To Kill Kalvin ManifelWhere stories live. Discover now