T H I R T Y - O N E

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WARNING: This book contains depictions of graphic violence, explicit and sexual scenes, intense language and use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.



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Five Years Ago

Changkyun trails behind Jooheon's figure, watching how the nineteen-year-old covered his body with his black-colored jacket to protect himself from the frigid temperature. Changkyun traced at his rear, begging his boyfriend to stay, and to avoid hoping along with his rotten-minded friends.

"I swear, Joo, don't go. I don't have a good feeling about this," Changkyun earnestly claimed, tugging at his boyfriend's sleeve in an attempt to cease him from going out the door.

Rolling his eyes, Jooheon jerked his arm away from Changkyun's grip, taking a turn to look at the younger in the eyes. "Kyunni, I'll be okay. Besides, a small hangout with my friends doesn't hurt, right? I'll be back here before midnight, promise."

"I swear to god, Jooheon. We just rented this house, and now that you're away from your family, you suddenly grew this urge to do whatever fucking shit those guys want to do." He took in a deep breath, letting it out in a puff. Obviously, he's jealous that Jooheon chose his friends over him for the night.

Cupping Changkyun's pissed off face in his hands, Jooheon leaned forward, plastering a deep peck on the younger's lips. "Don't worry. When I get back home, we can do whatever you want. Okay?"

"Then we'll watch horror movies," Changkyun said with a grin, attempting to conceal his anxious smile.

With one last peck, Jooheon escaped from Changkyun's side, abandoning the younger to dwell in his own worries, watching how the silhouette of his boyfriend disappeared into the darkness.

Hours passed and Changkyun paced in his dim-lit chamber, his optimistic thoughts about Jooheon turning into negativity— like a black cloud that surrounded his mind. He couldn't help but think that the elder is solely going to put himself in more trouble with his rascal friends.

It's true, Changkyun insisted that he shouldn't go. He desired for Jooheon to stay behind so they could watch horror films together. But he chose his wretch friends instead. Not that Changkyun loathed or despised them, he just grew envious of them sometimes.

However, the more his negative thoughts grew, the more his fingers tingled— and the more his fingers tingled, the more his chest tightened up. He knew something's wrong, but he couldn't understand what.

That's when he saw red and blue lights outside his window, circling and beaming and disappearing, reminding one of the motions of slushie dispensers. But, for sure, the flashing lights didn't bring joy, but panic and terror. Instinctively, Changkyun's mind goes towards Jooheon, and he starts to imagine horrid scenarios the elder might have gotten himself into.

Without a single thought of doubt, Changkyun darted out of his bedroom. He fleed down the stairs and sped out of the entrance of his house.

Within a second, he found himself running down the wet street, his shoes splashing against the puddles that lingered throughout the road as he chased down the swirling red and blue lights.

Turning down the relevant neighborhood, he laid his eyes upon Jooheon's family's home, spotting various police cars parked in the driveway. The sight merely prompted Changkyun to slip the word Fuck beneath his breath, and he deliberately gathered the courage to march towards the restricted area.

The further he walked, he pinpointed the image of Jooheon's figure perching on the side of the road, the palm of his hands concealing his visage. Changkyun ought to be satisfied at the scenery, but when he recognized the silver hand-cuffs that sustained Jooheon's wrists together, the satisfaction of seeing his boyfriend merely caused him to break down a little.

Jooheon has really done it this time.

"Jooheon!" Changkyun called out, forcing his figure to walk down the restricted pavement. He heard the calls of the police officers— demanding him to stay away, but he refused to listen.

Removing his hands from his face, Jooheon looks over at the younger, his eyes widening a bit, but a smile not failing to creep over his visage.

How he adored seeing his boyfriend every time.

Nearing Jooheon, Changkyun found himself being ceased in his spot by a police officer, who jumped before the younger in an attempt to halt him. With brows furrowed, Changkyun peers up at the man.

"You're not allowed to speak to the culprit," the police officer informed, a nonchalant expression embellishing his dull appearance.

"The culprit?!" Changkyun scoffed, his irk-filled gaze fading to one of irritation and anger. "How dare you tell me my boyfriend's the culprit?! If anything, he must be the victim of your shitty investigation!" And with that last statement, Changkyun shoved past the officer, dreading to get closer to the elder. Nevertheless, the police officer seizes Changkyun's arm, drawing him away and sustaining him back.

Apprehending the younger's trouble, Jooheon called out to him, "Kyunni! I'll be okay!"

"I'll wait for you!" Changkyun shouted out, his eyes on the verge of tears. "Everything will be fine in the end— I know you're innocent!"

Jooheon solely nodded his head, attempting to maintain the smile over his expression.

How will everything be perfect in the end?


Jooheon opens his eyes, finding himself alone in the infirmary room. Kihyun has already finished checking the younger's stats and went off to attend his other patients. Jooheon can't help that, perhaps, being shot by Minjun was an all act of Karma. But for what, exactly? For not listening to Changkyun years ago? When he specifically demanded Jooheon to stay behind and not go out with his friends at midnight?

Steadily, he sits upon the hospital bed, the agony of the wound consuming his entire body. He feels sick, weak, and beaten. Not to mention nauseous, too. All of the thinking has made him obtain a faint headache. Should he really torture himself even more by reminiscing about his past mistakes?

Eventually, Jooheon perceives the door of his infirmary chamber sliding open. He automatically perks up his head, and looks over to the entrance, seeing his beloved Changkyun with Greek Yogurt and white milk in his hands. But, there's someone with him. Who?

"Jooheon, someone came to see you, too," Changkyun sheepishly informs, his gaze shifting to the surface below him.

The person Changkyun referred to as 'someone' steps forward, removing the cap that conceals the view of his eyes. When Jooheon sees who it is, his eyes widen in utter fury, and his fingers grip on to the hospital bedsheets with hatred.

"Jooheon, I know it's been a long time," the man earnestly says.

The man who called the police and saved Jooheon's life was none other than Gun-hee himself.

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