Chapter Nine: Locked Doors

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The room was quiet; only being filled with the sound of turning pages. It was a comfortable temperature, as he was able to wear a flannel over his t-shirt. Henry was finally able to relax at home after being on his feet all day. He was reading a book that was dimly lit by the lamp above him. As he was about to turn the page, the phone rang. He sighed, holding his thumb in between the pages. He reached over and picked the phone up off the receiver. Placing the phone up to his ear, he answered.
            "Henry Emily, who is this?"
            "It's William."
            Henry rolled his eyes.
            "We just saw each other less than an hour ago. What happened?"
            "It's Michael.." William said quietly, "He hasn't left his room in days. He's locked his door and placed something heavy in front of it."
            "He hasn't left at all?"
            "No, not once."
            "Do you know why?"
            "I yelled at him a few days ago and he hasn't left his room since. Henry sighed, pushing his glasses up.
            "What do you want me to do about this?"
            "Can you try to get him to come out of his room? Please, Henry, it's been days and he hasn't had anything to eat, and he listens to you." William pleaded.
            "Have you tried to get him to leave? Have you checked his window to see if he ran away?"
            "I did, but he won't listen to me. He's scared that I'll yell at him."
            Henry raised his voice. "Will, I can't keep taking care of your child for you. I have my own children to raise! Yes, I love Michael, but you need to be a better father." He took a breath. "I'll come and see if I can get him to come out, because he needs to eat... But you need to get your shit together. Goodbye." Henry hung up the phone aggressively. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He placed his bookmark between the pages and put the book on the coffee table. He got up from his chair and made his way down the hall to Charlie's room. He softly knocked on the painted wood.
           "Come in." Charlie called out. Henry opened the door, leaning against the doorframe.
           "Sweetheart, I'm going to head over to the Afton's for a little bit. Could you tell your brother when he gets out of the shower?" Charlie looked up from her school work.
           "How long will you be gone?"
           "Not too long. Don't open the door for anyone." Charlie rolled her eyes.
           "Okay, dad."
           "I mean it. I won't be gone too long. You know the Afton's number if anything happens. I'll be back." He shut his daughter's bedroom door. He sighed, not ready to deal with William.

            Henry rang the doorbell. A few moments later a disheveled William answered the door.
            "Thank you, Henry. I'm worried about him." William said, letting Henry in. He made his way to the stairs and up to Michael's room. He tried to turn the doorknob; it was locked, obviously. He lifted up his fist and softly knocked on the door. He began to speak in a very soft voice.
            "Michael, it's Henry. Could you open the door, please?" He listened for any movement or mumbling. Nothing. He tried again. "Michael, sweetheart, could you please open the door? We're getting worried. You need to eat. It's not safe to go so long without eating." He glanced back at William, who was leaning against the opposite wall. "No one's going to yell at you. I promise. Just please come out." He paused to listen for movements. The floorboards creaked and something heavy was being pushed across the floor. The door knob clicked and the door was pulled back. In front of him stood a tired, sick-looking Michael. He looked up at Henry. His eyes were dull and cloudy. Henry felt his heart hurt. "May I come in?" Michael nodded, opening the door just enough to let him in. He shut the door behind Henry and stood in front of it.
            He glanced around Michael's room. It was messy. There was a broken full body mirror on the wall. The glass shards were all over the floor. He got another look at Michael. He had a large bruise on his leg. Had William hit him? Henry wasn't sure what to say. He held his arms open, giving the boy an empathetic smile. Michael shook his head, biting his lip. Henry put his arms down.
            "You said he changed..." Michael sniffled. "You lied to me!" Henry didn't say anything as the pain in his chest got worse. "How could you lie to me?" His voice started to break.
            "Honey, change takes a while... he can't just change overnight." He spoke in a soft, calming voice to hopefully get Michael to stop yelling.
            "He's had years to change!" Michael cried.
            "I don't wanna be like him! I don't wanna scare people!" Michael breathed heavily, glancing into the broken mirror. "I don't wanna cry all the time."
            "You have to work on yourself, kiddo. Maybe therapy could help." Henry tried to keep a soft smile.
            "Therapy's for crazy people." Michael huffed.
            "No, it's not." Henry sat down on the edge of Michael's bed. "Come here." He said, patting the spot next to him. Michael hesitated with his first step. The floorboards creaked as he took the steps to get to the bed. He plopped himself down next to Henry, who wrapped his arm around his shoulder. Henry sighed, squeezing Michael's shoulder. "Would you like to stay at my house for awhile?" He nodded, keeping his head low. "Alright. I'll be right back." Henry brushed Michael's bangs out of the way and kissed his forehead.
             He stood up and made his way out of the room. William was leaning on the opposite wall. "Will," he looked up from the floor, "I think it'd be good if Michael stayed at my house for a few days. You two need some time apart to calm down."
            "Alright. I apologize for making you come over here."
            "Don't apologize to me, apologize to your son." Henry said. "Michael! Grab some stuff so we can go!" He called as he walked down the stairs.
            Only a few minutes later, Michael arrived downstairs. He had gotten dressed, but he still looked dirty. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder. Henry gave him a smile.
            "Let's go." Henry patted his shoulder, pushing him towards the door.

            They had returned home. Henry was making dinner while Michael was in the shower. He was letting Michael stay in the guest room that was at the end of the hallway. Charlie and Sammy were playing cards and betting candy at the table.
            Henry stepped back from the boiling pot; he was cooking pasta as it was the only food he had enough of to feed all four of them.
            "Will one of you go check on Michael? He's been in the shower for a long time now." Henry asked his children. Charlie shot up from her spot at the table and hurried down the hallway. Charlie banged on the bathroom door and called for Michael.
            A few moments later, Charlie returned to the kitchen. She shrugged and took her seat at the table. With a sigh, Henry made his way over to the bathroom. He held his ear close to the door. The shower was still running. He knocked and listened. After getting no response, he knocked again.
            "Michael! Dinner's almost ready. You need to eat, it's been days!"
            The shower stopped.
            "I'll be out in a minute!" Michael responded. Henry let out a sigh of relief.

            Charlie and Sammy were sitting at the table. They had set aside the cards and candy for after dinner. They were already eating by the time Michael stepped into the kitchen. He looked a little better just from a shower, but he still looked exhausted.
            "I see you're alive." Henry joked. "Get some food." He gestured to the pot on the stove. Michael nodded. Henry turned back to his own food and his children. Michael took a seat at the table in between Sammy and Charlie.
            "Why is he here?" Charlie asked, pointing towards Michael who was picking at his pasta with a fork.
            "He's not getting along with his father. He'll be staying here for awhile." Henry answered.
            "How long?"
            "I'm not sure, sweetheart."
            Sammy groaned.
            "Great. I get to hear them argue more." He rolled his eyes.
            "Shut up, Sammy. It's not my fault Michael's mean."
            Michael spoke up.
            "Geez, I get it. I'm an asshole. You don't have to tell me every time you see me."
            "Guys, please." Henry pleaded. "Just eat your food, okay?"
            The kids nodded in response, all shooting glares at each other. Henry sighed.

            By the time everyone had finished, Michael was still at the table. Henry was washing the dishes in the kitchen, keeping an eye on him. He set the last dish to dry and turned off the sink. Henry placed his hand on the kid's shoulder, startling him.
            "You okay, kid?"
            Michael shrugged.
            "You don't have to finish your food. Your appetite's probably messed up a little anyway." He nodded in response, taking his bowl to the sink.
            Just then, the phone rang. Henry walked over to the phone and picked it up off of the receiver that was on the coffee table. "Hello, Henry Emily speaking. Who is this?" Henry said in his customer service voice.
            "Hi, um, this is Kyle, Kyle Jawdin." The boy on the other end responded. "Is Michael Afton there?"
            "Yeah, he's here.. But how'd you know?"
            "Uhh, I called his house and his dad gave me this number."
            Henry nodded. "Alright, let me get Michael." He covered the bottom speaker on the phone with his hand. "Michael, your friend Kyle is on the phone for you." His eyes widened; he looked nervous.

Art credit to my friend @//springtrappissboy on Instagram!!

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