Chapter Six: Petty Crimes

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CW: Police

            As Michael tried to sleep, Kyle was curled up next to him, fast asleep. Kyle's bed was small, so there was a lot of room for the both of them. He had spent the entire day at his house and had been away from his father for over a day. Michael shut his eyes, lying on his back. He would've turned on his side, but Kyle was using Michael's arm as a pillow and he didn't want to wake him up. Michael ran his fingers through Kyle's messy blond hair. It was soft. Michael closed his eyes, still combing his fingers through Kyle's hair. The home phone rang.
Michael's eyes shot open and he stopped playing with Kyle's hair. He reached over and grabbed the phone, holding it up to his ear. "Hello..?" He groaned.
"Kyle, it's Rico."
"This is Michael, Kyle's sleeping." He whispered just in case the ringing didn't wake Kyle. "What do you want?"
"You know how we've always wanted to graffiti underneath that bridge near the outside of town?"
"That Virgin River Bridge?" Rico laughed at the name.
"Yeah, that one. Well I stole a bunch of spray paint from my sister. What do ya' say?"
"Rico, it's two in the morning.."
"Exactly, no one will catch us. I'll get you and Kyle in twenty. See ya."
"See you, Rico." Rico hung up his end of the line. Michael put the phone back on the receiver.
"Who was that...?" Kyle had woken up.
"Rico. He wants us to come graffiti that bridge." Michael threw the blankets onto Kyle and sat up. He stretched his arms out and stood up.
"Why now..?"
"Cause it's late, we won't get caught." Michael said, pulling up his jeans. Kyle rubbed his eyes and got up from his bed. He cracked his back. He made his way over to his closet. Michael sat on the floor to put on a pair of old, raggedy converse he borrowed from Kyle. He quickly tied his shoes and cuffed his jeans. He stood up to grab his coat off of Kyle's desk chair. He glanced up when it wasn't there. Kyle was putting it on. "That's my jacket."
"I know. I like it."
"You have your own coat."
"I know, Mike. But I like your jacket."
"Give me my jacket, Kyle."
"Fine, since you're gonna be such a baby about it." Kyle slipped off Michael's jacket and threw it at him. Michael groaned.
"I'm not being a baby. This jacket is important to me."
"It's just a jacket."
"It was a gift." Michael put on his jacket.
"Okay, Mike. It's not that big of a deal." He chuckled, throwing on a worn denim jacket. The two slipped out the window and carefully snuck off the roof; Michael went first. They sat in the driveway, waiting for Rico and Alyssa to show up.
Not long after, Rico pulled up on the curb in his beat up Dodge. The passenger side window rolled down.
"Get in!" It was Alyssa. Kyle and Michael stood up and ran towards the car. Michael ran around to the other side and got in. There was classic rock music playing on the radio. Rico started the car. She turned around towards the backseat. "Don't yell when we get there. If we get arrested, we're fucked." She turned back around.
There weren't that many cars on the road. Only a few others drove by; Probably people on the way home from the only bar in town. Within a few minutes, they pulled up to the bridge. Rico parked his car and turned it off. They all hopped out. Rico opened the trunk of the car. "Pick your color, boys." Michael grabbed a few cans without paying attention to the color.
Making sure he didn't slip, he walked down the small hill down to the river. The others followed him to the riverbank. Michael set the cans on the ground and stared at the underside of the bridge. He dropped his jacket next to the paint cans. Rico shook up a can and started to spray the bricks. When Rico looked away to grab another color, Michael shook up a can and added to whatever Rico had painted.
"What are you doing?"
"Adding to whatever you're doing." His painting was interrupted by Rico yanking the collar of his shirt and shoving backwards. "Hey!" Michael stumbled over the rocks at the bank of the river and fell in. The water was freezing, and Michael had definitely cut his arm on something. He surfaced, and began to pant. Alyssa and Kyle were standing on the bank.
"Michael, are you okay?" Alyssa asked him, helping him out of the river. Michael nodded, shivering in the cold night air. "I wish I had a towel or something.." She brushed Michael's bangs out of his face. "Ring out your clothes and lay them out. Put on your jacket so you don't get too cold." She turned around to Rico. "Hey! Maybe don't try to drown our friend."
"He ruined what I was doing!"
They continued to argue, but he tuned it out and focused on breathing. Michael shook out his hair like a dog. He held his head over the water and squeezed as much water as he could out of his hair. "You good, Mike?" Kyle asked.
"Well, I'm fine, but I'm freezing my ass off." He chuckled, taking off his shirt. He twisted it over the river, ringing out as much water as possible. He laid his shirt out on the grass. He kicked off his shoes and socks next to it. He laughed. "I feel exposed."
"It's almost like you're half naked." Kyle chuckled.
"Look away. I gotta take off my damn jeans for a moment."
"I've seen you without pants, Mike."
"I know, I'm gonna be practically naked. Now look away!" Kyle turned around, so Michael could take off his jeans and ring them out in the river. The water made the denim heavy. He twisted the legs of his jeans to get out all the water he could before putting them back on. "Yeesh! This is uncomfortable." He threw on his jacket, so he wouldn't get cold. "Okay, you can look now."
"Let's hope Rico doesn't throw you in again." Kyle laughed, picking up a paint can and shaking it.
"If he throws me in again I'm taking him with me!" Michael picked up the color he had dropped. He walked back over to where his stuff was and began painting the bridge.
Michael kept glancing over to see what his friends were doing. Every time he did, Kyle was looking at him and would look away embarrassed when Michael caught him staring. He grabbed Kyle's arm and pulled him out to the other side of the bridge. Michael leaned up against the side. Kyle leaned closer to him. "Why'd you pull me out here?"
"You keep staring at me.."
"Sorry.. I just.. keep zoning out."
"It's fine. I know you're gay and all, but..." Michael lost his train of thought, due to what seemed to be the sound of a car pulling up. Kyle put his hand on Michael's shoulder and leaned in, going up on his toes. Before he got too close Michael pushed him back. "What the hell are you doing?" Kyle's eyes went wide with fear.
"Wh-What? I thought that's why you pulled me away! I-I.." Kyle was interrupted by Alyssa screaming at them as she ran by.
"Run!" Michael ran back under the bridge, ignoring Kyle who was now crying. When he ran back under he stepped directly into a light. There were a few police officers standing there. They had Rico in handcuffs. He dropped the paint can he was holding and booked it in the opposite direction. He could hear the cop's boots rustling the grass behind him. He could vaguely make out Alyssa running in front of him. He felt a hand grab his wrist, yanking him backwards. As he fell, he watched another officer run past him and after Alyssa. Didn't these officers have better things to do that arrest a bunch of kids? The officer pulled him to his feet by his arm. He yanked Michael's arms behind his back and held his wrists together. Michael was panting.
"You and your friends think it's funny to vandalize a town monument? Huh?" The officer said.
"It's just a bridge."
"Don't get mouthy with me, kid." Michael winced as the officer slapped and tightened metal cuffs around his wrists. The officer chasing after Alyssa returned, gripping her shoulder. The officers walked Michael and Alyssa back to their police cars. They shoved the two into the back of the car. There was another car, where he assumed Kyle and Rico were. The officers got into the car. The one in the driver's side pulled up a walkie-talkie from his belt. "We've detained the teenagers who were vandalizing the bridge. The ones we saw while patrolling."
"Detained?" Michael whispered to Alyssa. "We're both in handcuffs." Alyssa shushed him. The officer started the car and both cars drove off.
"I thought nothing would happen tonight. Nothing ever happens here." The officer driving said.
"Well, this isn't much." The female officer in the passenger seat responded. "Just kids messing around."
"Kids messing up a monument." The male officer spat. The female officer sighed. Michael shifted in his seat. His jeans were still damp. His shirt and Kyle's shoes were still at the bridge. He started shaking his leg. There were two things that could happen; They'd all get thrown in jail or they'd be set free with a warning. He looked over at Alyssa, who was visibly afraid. He understood why. She was a black girl in the custody of police.
A few minutes later, the two cop cars parked in the lot of the station. The cops pulled him and Alyssa out of the back. The cop in the other car dragged an unwilling Rico into the station while Kyle was shaking as he walked. The cops brought them into a small room with a couple empty cells. "We're not throwing you in here, yet. Sit down and wait." The officer who arrested Rico told them. He pulled out another pair of handcuffs and cuffed Rico to the bars of a cell. The officers sat everyone else down and left the room.
"I fucking hate cops." Rico spat, thrashing around. "They only hate me, cause'a my family."
"Rico, stop resisting. They could kill you." Alyssa pleaded.
"They'll shoot me anyway! My brothers'll fuck 'em up." He grumbled. Alyssa sighed, putting her head down. Two officers returned. He had a notepad and pen.
"Alright, you delinquents, I need your full names. Not you two, though." He pointed to Rico and Michael. Rico and his family had been in an infamous gang, known as the Sharks, for decades. Michael had been arrested for shoplifting cigarettes twice.
"Kyle Jadwin." Kyle said, his voice shaking. Michael looked over at him; His eyes were still watering.
"Alyssa Coleman, sir." Alyssa looked up, but avoided looking at the officer.
"This is your first offence for the both of you. I'll have other officers take off your cuffs and you can call your parents." The officer that was with him, unlocked their handcuffs and took them out of the room. "You two on the other hand, have to stay." The officer got in Rico's face. "I know what you delinquents are like, Nunez. Keep this behavior up, and you'll serve time." Rico stomped on the officers foot. The officer slapped Rico across the face. "You'll end up like them." The officer turned to Michael. "Now, Afton, a petty thief."
"I was 12."
"Still, a petty thief." The officer hoisted Michael up by his arms. "You and Nunez are the only troubled teenagers in this town. I don't want you two dragging those good kids down with you."
"Stop being so dramatic. We didn't hurt anyone." Rico interrupted.
"Keep your mouth shut, Nunez." The officer snapped. "Defacing a monument is a crime. You're lucky you're just teenagers. Otherwise, I'd have you both thrown in on spot." The officer pulled a small key out of his pocket. "For now, I'm sending you off with a warning." He unlocked Michael's handcuffs and walked over to Rico to do the same. Michael shook out his now free arms. The cuffs had made marks on his wrists. He knew the officer made them too tight. "Go call your parents." Michael and Rico left the room, into the main lobby.
"I'm walking home." Rico swiftly walked out of the station.
Michael turned to one of the pay phones and dug some change out of his pocket. He put a few quarters into the change slot and picked up the phone. He dialed the Emily's home phone number. He glanced at the clock; It was now 3:02 AM. He listened to the dial tone, hoping someone would pick up the phone. The dial tone was interrupted by someone on the other end picking up.
"Hello?" It was Mr. Emily. He sounded wide awake. "Who is this?"
"Mr. Emily, It's Michael." Emily gasped.
"Michael! What happened? You've been missing for over a day! Where are you?" Emily exclaimed.
"I just ran to my friend's house."
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the police station."
"So they found you? Are you alright?"
"They didn't find me. I was arrested.. for vandalizing a bridge." Michael bit on the inside of his lip.
"Arrested? Michael.." Emily sounded more worried than disappointed. "Did they call you father?"
"No. Why?"
"I reported you missing and told them to call either of us if they found you." Michael blinked a few times.
"They never told me I was missing." Emily sighed.
"I'll be there shortly. Hold tight, kiddo. See you soon." Emily hung up on the other end. Michael placed the phone back on the receiver. He stood there, his jeans still too damp to sit down. Water dripped down his face from his hair.
A short while later, the station door opened. Emily ran towards Michael and pulled him into a tight embrace. "Thank God, you're safe.." Emily put his hand on Michael's hair. He pulled away from the hug. "Your hair's wet. Why is it wet? Where's your shirt? And shoes?" Michael covered himself with his jacket.
"I'm sorry for what I said, before I ran. And I fell into the river and left my clothes out to dry. The cops didn't pick them up when I was arrested." Emily hugged Michael again.
"I don't care about what you said. I'm just glad you're not hurt. I was so worried about you, but the police never did anything to help." Michael rested his chin on Emily's shoulder.
"I wouldn't have been hurt. I'm not a little kid." Emily pulled away from the hug and began to walk out of the station; Michael followed.
"Just because you're not a little kid doesn't mean you can't be hurt."
"I can defend myself. I always carry a switchblade with me." Emily stopped in his tracks and turned to face Michael.
"Hurricane is more dangerous than you think, kid."

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