Chapter Seventeen: Let's Play Detective

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CW: Blood, murder mentioned

Michael circled something with his pencil. "You see this?" He said to Angie, who he was helping study for their upcoming Algebra test. "You have to divide both sides by 4." He explained, writing out the division and rewriting the equation. "And then you multiply both sides by 3 to get x alone. Got it?" He handed them his pencil.
"I think so." She put the pencil to the paper and finished off the problem. "Like that?" She said turning to Michael.
"Yeah." He smiled.
"You explained it way better than Mr. Hart did. You should be the teacher instead."
"Well, my father was an engineering major after all. Need help with anything else?"
"I don't think so. Let me see if I can finish the study guide and I'll ask when I need it." Angie leaned back against the wall, bringing her knees up. Michael fell back onto his bed. He rested his eyes for a moment. Every time he closed his eyes he could only see her, Lizzie. Her death. It had been looming over him, more now than ever. His eyes shot open again. "You okay?" Angie asked, looking over at him. "You look exhausted."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a weird dream last night and it... Uh... won't leave my mind." He said while sitting up. Just then the phone rang. Michael picked up. "Hello?"
"Michael, is that you?"
"Rico? Yeah, it's me. What do you need?"
"You know your dad's restaurant?"
"Obviously, why?"
"Get over here now."
"Now! Go to the back." The line was cut off. Michael slowly put the phone back on the receiver.
"Is something wrong?" Angie asked, setting aside her paper.
"I don't know. Rico said to get over to my dad's restaurant. Like right now."
"But isn't it closed?"
"Doesn't matter. Let's go." He jumped up from his bed and ran out of the room.
"Hey!" Angie shouted, following Michael out. She stopped by the door and crossed her arms. "What about the test?"
Michael was on the ground putting on his shoes. "Doesn't matter. Put your shoes on."
"Just do it!"
"Okay!" Angie scrambled to put on her shoes. As they were about to leave, Charlie and Sammy entered the room.
"Where are you guys going in such a hurry?" Charlie asked.
"None of your business." Michael spat.
"Trying to get alone with her?" Charlie pointed at Angie.
"God, no!"
"Can we come?"
"Fine. Just get your bike and don't tell your dad."
"Okay." She smiled. The four of them made their way to the garage. Sammy opened the garage and grabbed his bike.
Michael hopped on his bike.
"Michael, I don't have a bike." Angie said.
"Just get on. Follow me." He called to Charlie and Sammy. Angie got on Michael's bike behind him.
They biked past the neighborhood and out onto the street.
"Where the hell are we going?" Charlie yelled.
"The pizzeria."

They rode into the parking lot and around to the back of the building. Michael scraped his foot on the ground to stop his bike. Angie squeezed his arm. Rico, Alyssa, Kyle, and another kid we're waiting there. Three bikes were already scattered among the lot. Michael kicked down the stand and got off.
"You brought the children, and who's that? Your new girlfriend?" Rico laughed.
"Shut up. Why the hell did you want us here?"
"I'll show you." He walked towards the back door. The two groups merged and followed. The door was damaged.
"You broke in?"
Alyssa cut in. "It was like that when he got here."
"That's all you have to show us? Dude, I'm going home." Michael sighed.
"No, dipshit. There's more inside. Come on." Rico opened the door and entered the dark building. Michael followed behind second with the rest of the group behind him. Rico led them all to the safe room. He opened the door and flicked on the lights.
The yellow rabbit costume that usually resided on its animatronic skeleton sat against the wall, covered in spots of blood that looked as if they had been scrubbed. There was blood on the paws of the costume. Michael kneeled down by the costume. "Spring Bonnie wasn't close enough to Chris and Fredbear when it happened, right?" Michael asked.
"No, besides the splatters look as if they came from in front of the rabbit, not the side." Alyssa explained.
"We should- we need to tell my dad." Charlie stuttered. "We have to."
"Let's investigate first." Michael said.
"Investigate? On our own? Michael, are you dumb? We should call the police." Angie said.
"I am not calling the police." Rico shoved his way through the group. "Those fuckers will think I did it. Kyle, you come with me. Alyssa and the two children go search through their dad's office. Michael, Jeremy, and the ginger search in Afton's office." They all nodded and split up.
"This is nuts!" Angie shouted as they entered Michael's dad's office. "Why the hell aren't we calling the police?"
"The police don't like me and Rico. I didn't do much, just stole some shit from the gas station. But they don't like us." Michael explained.
"What the hell are we looking for exactly?" Jeremy asked. It was Jeremy Fitzgerald. He was a short, thin, dirty blond boy. He and Michael had gotten into a fight at school once.
"I don't know. Anything weird." Michael walked over to his father's desk and scanned it. There was only regular paper work from the last day scattered on his desk. He looked at the few drawings that were on the bulletin board. They were Lizzie's mostly. A few of them were Chris's. None of them were his. Brushing it off, he began opening drawers and shuffling through the papers. He grabbed a handful of papers. A few of them were handwritten. They didn't look like paperwork. "Guys, look." Jeremy and Angie looked over his shoulder.
"What is it?" Angie asked.
"I don't know. But that's my father's handwriting."
"What does it say?"
"It's not in English. I think it's Polish."
"Can we ask him what it says?" Jeremy suggested.
"Fuck no. If my dad knew I was snooping through his office, he'd kill me."
"Do you know anyone else who speaks it?" Michael shook his head, examining the papers.
"I didn't even know my dad spoke Polish. We can take it to a library." Michael folded up the papers.
"Woah!" Angie interrupted. "You can't just remove evidence from a crime scene. That's illegal!"
"This isn't a crime scene. It's just my dad's office."
"It could be! And besides, how do we know that those papers are something bad?" Angie questioned. Michael stood there, trying to think of an answer.
Jeremy spoke up. "They're written in a different language that not many people around here know. Why would he do that if he wasn't trying to hide something?" He snatched the papers out of Michael's hands and unfolded them. His eyes quickly scanned over the papers. "I'm not sure what it means, but judging by the numbering and bullet points, it's a list or steps for something." Michael titled the papers towards himself.
"Ang and I could take it to the library and find a Polish to English dictionary." Michael said, folding the papers back up and putting them in his pocket.
Angie cocked her eyebrow. "You want me to get involved in this? No thanks."
"Oh come on, Ang. It's not like my dad's a murderer or something." He chuckled. "He may be an asshole but he wouldn't kill anyone."
"No, I'm not going." Angie crossed her arms. Jeremy volunteered himself.
"It's settled then." Michael pushed open the door and exited. "Rico can drop you off at home." Angie quickened her pace.
"Nope! I'll go with you guys. It's fine. You're right, it's not like your dad killed anyone." She said frantically.
"Okay then..." Michael opened the door of Henry's office. He informed the twins and Alyssa on their plans and to meet them at home. Jeremy did the same with Rico and Kyle. The newly formed trio stepped outside into the hot setting sun. They hopped on their bikes and made their way to the library.

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