A/N: Sneak Peak lol

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🤭🤭🤭 Don't kill me. I realize that I haven't posted actual story since i was a junior in high school (i'm a freshman in college rn lol). I know y'all do not give a single shit about my life, however, I have severe ADHD and haven't really been fixated on fnaf in like a year and a half so it makes it hard to write. I've been slaying (mostly) otherwise. Anyway because i don't hate you guys, have the "sneak peak" of chapter 18 (aka what i have written). Come get your food, I know y'all are starving.

Charlie stood in front of the microfilm machine, completely still. The rest of the group had followed to see what it was about. The article shown on the screen was from September, 1975. The headline read "FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL, CHARLIE EMILY FOUND DEAD OUTSIDE OF FREDBEAR'S FAMILY DINER: NO SUSPECTS". This was the incident that caused their fathers to relocate. Sammy fiddled with his fingers and chewed on the inside of his lip as his sister was glued to the screen.
            "I'm going to print this out so we can ask dad about it, okay?" Sammy said, aware his sister wasn't listening. He reached around his sister and opened the film compartment. Once he pulled it out, the screen went black, snapping Charlie out of her trance. She looked at Sammy, pupils dilated. "I'm gonna print this out." He repeated. Charlie responded with a nod.
            The rest of the group stared at Charlie as Sammy walked away. Her stomach had dropped and her knees were barely keeping her standing. "Can you guys just leave?" She asked, not wanting an answer. Most of the group shuffled away, whispering questions of concern to each other. Michael, Sammy, and Angie remained. She placed her hands on the arms of the chair behind her. As she lowered herself down into the chair, she was shaking. She didn't let go of the arms once she sat down.
            Michael was the only one left in the immediate area. He rested his hand on the back of the chair. "Do you think you can ride your bike home?" He asked. Charlie weakly shook her head.
            Sammy returned with the papers in a manilla folder. "Let's go." Charlie sat, blankly staring at the floor. "Charlie?" She moved her head to face Sammy. Her eyes followed slowly after, as if she was lagging. "Let's go home." She nodded and stood up as shakily as she sat down. She picked up her hand and looped her arm around Michael's arm. She put her other hand on his arm. Her hands were cold and sweaty.

"Dad!" Sammy called as they entered the house. He set the papers on the kitchen table. "Dad! We're home! We need to talk!"
            Michael helped Charlie sit down at the table. Henry's shoes thumped on the wooden floor as he came in from the garage.
            "Yeah? What's up?" He raised an eyebrow. "Is Charlie okay?"
            "What the hell is this?" Michael asked, shoving the papers into Henry's hands. Henry opened the folder and his face went pale. "What are you trying to hide from us? From her?" Michael shouted. Henry didn't respond. He stood, frozen. "Huh?" Michael raised his voice.
            "Michael, do not yell at me."
            "You 've been hiding that Charlie was killed! Is this even the same person?"
            "Michael!" Henry yelled. "Shut up and sit down while I figure out how to word this." The papers wobbled in his hands.
            "How can you expect me to-"
            "Michael Anthony." He said firmly. Michael pulled out a chair and angrily sat down, arms crossed. Sammy took a seat and Angie stood behind them, feeling too awkward to sit down. Henry leaned against the kitchen counter. He pushed his glasses up onto his head and ran his hands down his face. "How do I word this?" He mumbled.
            "I wasn't sure when I was gonna tell you this. I was honestly just going to hide it forever." He said. "Oh God... that sounds bad. Okay, let me start with this: Charlie is Charlie. She is the same person she was 8 years ago before she was... you know now. Michael, you know when I told you that it's dangerous here? This is what I was talking about. Charlie... was murdered. Back in 1975, William and I had a different restaurant just outside of Hurricane. It was the same as now, just in a different building. It was going well. I would often take Charlie and Sammy if their mother was working. But then one night I was closing up, about a year after we opened. I went to take out the trash, and..." He sighed, his breath shaking. "And... and there was my daughter... laying by the trash bin covered in blood... I yelled for William and I tried everything I could to keep her alive... It all happened so fast, next thing I know I'm in the hospital and she was pronounced dead." He stopped for a moment to breathe. He was shaking and staring at the floor. "I don't know how I did it, but I... I built an animatronic and I combined her soul... Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not lying." He looked back at the kids. Charlie stared at the floor. Sammy, Angie, Michael stared at Henry in disbelief. "You don't have to believe me, but that's what happened."
            Michael placed his hand on the table. "Are you serious? What kind of sorry excuse is that?" He said.
            "Michael, I'm telling the truth. I could not possibly make this up. I promise you, I wouldn't  lie to you guys."
            "Then how come you weren't even looking at us?"
            "Listen, Michael," Henry sat at the table and made eye contact with him, "It's difficult to tell my daughter about how she was brutally murdered outside my restaurant, under my care. I need you to understand that I'm telling the truth. Okay? Ask your father." He sighed. "Do you guys have any other traumatic memories you want to bring up?" Michael rolled his eyes.          

A/N: IM SORRY THATS ALL I GOT I KNOW ITS BEEN ALMOST TWO YEARS I CANT HELP IT. I'm in my newsies era there's nothing i can do about that okay. Okay goodbye, not sure when y'all will get more tbh. Also if there's any mistakes it's because i didn't edit this big cause it's not done :). Thanks for the patience and support!

Edit: I'm rereading my story (it's almost like 5am) and i'm realizing a lot of this i dislike how i did things, so i'm probably going to go back and edit something's. Probably remove jeremy's entire character there are just way too many. The story will stay mostly the same but i'll just fix some stuff. I can't fix too much without fucking everything up.

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