Ep 6- Raw Raw A dragon type

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Night slash
Double edge
Foul play
Throat chop
Dragon tail
Quick attack
Velvet was sleeping on her bed with eevee in her bed with her. She was having a wonderful dream, but to bad it was interrupted by her alarm clock. "Hmmm." Velvet mumbles turning off the alarm clock. But then a flat surface smacked her in the face makeing her fall out of bed. "Owww. Absol, why couldn't you just wake me up?" She asked getting up. Absol had hit her with tha back end of his horn to wake her up.
" you know,you can just nuzzle me." Velvet said getting up from her bed. " come on eevee, let's go
Chose an outfit
Velvet went down stairs, to see your mom.
Chose a outfit for your mother
"Hey mom." Velvet greeted triedly. " hey I you woke up early, that's good." Your mother said. " I would be asleep if this guy would smack me with its horn." Velvet said giving absol the side eye. She sighs, velvet couldn't stay mad at absol it saved her pokemon so many times. " your to hood to stay mad at." Velvet said hugging absol's fur.
" come on velvet, I just finished breakfast." Her mom said. "R-really?" Velvet said running to her mother. "Ya but you have to-" her mom said but was cut off by her alarm going off." Oh no your going to be late, hurry up and go!" Her mother said shoving her some small boxes. "W-wait w-what?" Velvet said getting pushed out the door along with absol.
"Hey absol you wouldn't mind going back in your pokeball would you?" Velvet asked "absol." Absol said shaking his head." Ok then, hear hold on to this." Velvet said giving absol one of the 18 boxes in its mouth. And 6 on it's back. " hey absol you have any idea why she made so much food?" Velvet asked but was unanswered because of absol being mouth being fulled.
And the something dropped on in velvet's bag unknown to her.

In the pokemon school
"Hey where's velvet?" Ash asked as he and pikachu walked in the room." I dont know she should normaly be hear by know." Lillie says. " maybe shes just running late."kiawe said. " ya but its not like her to be late. Mallow said. But the suddenly the door slammed open as velvet scrambled to stand up with all the stuff in her hand. She whated to keep absol a secret untill she told them, but that means caring all 18 boxes.
"H-hey sorry I'm late." Velvet said falling over." Off." She said falling over. " oh my velvet are you ok?" Lillie asked as the other got up to help." Y-ya it's just that I over sleeped and my mom made me bring this to school. " velvet said getting back up with the help of ash." What's in the box?" Sophocles asked. " I dont know," velvet said grabbing a box and unwrapping it."food?" Velvet said, she then grabbed a note on it. " hey velvet it's your mom, I decided to make some food for your friends and their pokemon.
Love mom" velvet read out loud. " your mom made some food for us?" Sophocles asked smiling. " wow that's really cool of her." Ash said picking one up. " she also got some for our pokemon." Lana said. " hmmm this looks so good!" Mallow said
" let's wait for lunch eat them." Kiawe said. As they all agree.

At lunch
Velvet was outside eating with dratini and eevee. " hey do you guys think I should show absol to the gang?" Velvet asked. " eev eeve!" Eevee cheered." Drattttttini!" Dratini agreed." Ok then let's go." Velvet said walking to the rest of her friends. "Hey guys I what to show you something!" Velvet said holding up her bags. " hmm oh is it a new pokemon?" Ash asked getting hyped. " your see, ok now let's go!" Velvet said throwing up what she thinks is a pokeball but is actually...
" JANGMO-O!" It was jangmo-o.
" AHHHH!" Velvet screamed as jangmo-o jumped on her face. " v-velvet!?" All of them said trying to get jangmo-o off velvet. " rotom what is that ash asked."
" Jangmo-o the scaly pokemon Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior, although it remains humble about its capabilities. In its pursuit to become stronger, it never neglects its training. Because Jangmo-o uses the scales on its head for both offense and defense, it never turns its back to its enemies. Many Trainers see this behavior and take it as proof that Jangmo-o is a valiant Pokémon." Rotom said.
" A-ABSOL COME OUT!" Velvet yelled taking out the pokeball." Ab-SOL ABSOL!?" Absol stated but turned to a yell after absol saw its trainer getting attacked.
Pokemon's pov
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ATTACKING MY TRAINER!? Absol yelled at jangmo-o." What dose it look like I'm doing, I'm giving mama a hug." The newborn jangmo-o said looking over to absol."hmm." Absol sighed. " well velvet doesn't think that. So can you please get off of her." Absol said. Slowly walking to jangmo-o. " I will only if I can stay with momma!" Jangmo-o said. " of course I'll make sure of it." Absol said
Out of pokemon's pov
Suddenly jangmo-o leaped off velvets face and on to absols fur. And with the sudden shift in weight vand the others fell with velvet landing on her stomach. Absol divides a plan, he grads jangmo-o infrot of velvet.
Then he graded a pokeball and putting in velvet right hand. The he moved jangmo-o under velvets hand while holding it up with the spike on its head. After that all that needed to happen was to let go of velvet.
" hmm?" Velvet asked as absol." Absol." Absol said smiling as he let go of her hand.
" I caught jangmo-o ya." Velvet said triedly before relishing. " OH MY ARCEUS I CAUGHT JANGMO-O!" Velvet yelled getting up and throwing the pokeball in the air. " jangmo-o ." Jangmo-o jumped out the pokeball. And hugged the side of velvets face " awe your so cute." She said hugging jangmo-o back back, completely forgetting about its earlier " attack".
"H-hey velvet you good?" Ash asked weakly." I am now.
Time skip
" so you think that jangmo-o is a new born and thinks I'm its mom?" Velvet said to the professor. " yes, we can look for jangmo-o's family, but untill then we need you to take care of him." Professor kukui said. " ok then ," velvet said getting up and going to jangmo-o. " hey their buddy my names velvet, yours?" Velvet asked but then immediately realized that it couldn't speak English." J" jangmo-o said. " ok then j it is!" Velvet said picking up J.
Pokemon's pov
" I said jangmo but that's ok mommy." J said.

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