"Well, that was a very good job, Harry. You're the only one who's getting full points on this assignment. And as for the rest of you," she turned to the rest of the class, "if you guys don't have this in by tomorrow, you're all going down a whole letter grade." She said, the rest of the claass groaned and started protesting.

"Can we at least have work time in class on it?" A kid said, I think his name was Jared. 

"No, you guys had work time for two days last week and all weekend! You should have gotten it done then. No more work time, we're moving on."

*After class* 

As I was packing up my stuff to go to lunch, a girl stopped me. I've seen her around, she had curly blonde hair, she was tall and I saw a lot of the guys staring at her during class. "Hey," she said. "I really liked what you thought Romeo and Juliet was about. How come I haven't seen you around before?" She smirked. Oh god.

"Uh, I'm new." I said.

"How come I don't see you in any other classes?" She stepped closer to me.

"I'm a freshman," I said. 

"Oh," her smile fell and she started to back away. "Well, uh, bye." She shuffled out. 

I mentally wiped away beads of sweat from my forehead. Thank god, she stopped flirting with me when she found out my age rather than me having to lie and say stupid stuff to get her to stay away. I sighed, packed up my bag and went to lunch.

Lindsey was at her normal tutoring session, I went to sit under my tree and worked on my art homework. We had to draw a picture on our take on the world and progression of humanity. How am I going to cram that into one drawing? After a long time of pondering, I decided to draw a flower with daggers as the petals, and the stem starting to fall apart. From far away, it looks beautiful and delicate. But, up close they're dangerous and falling apart. I wasn't sure if that was good, but I decided it was fine. I shoved my special art paper that my mom got me this weekend into my backpack and ate a granola bar from my lunch. My breakfast was big, so I wasn't that hungry.

When I got to art class, I saw Lindsey in there looking really worried. "What's up?" I asked her.

"I'll tell you later. Hey, is there any chance we could hang out after school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure there is. My or your house?" I asked.

"Yours. I still haven't met your parents," she gave a feeble chuckle.

"That's right," I said back.

"So, everyone put your assignment on the desk along with a piece of notebook paper. Everyone's going to walk around the room with a pencil and write their opinions on what the pictures mean."

I followed directions, and when we were done I sat down. I read some of them, and a few were pretty accurate, but there was one, I'm pretty sure it was Louis's handwriting, it said "Idk. a flower?" I laughed, he was kinda stupid. At least he's cute.

After we got them turned in and graded, class and school was finally over. Wow, I don't think bullying is going to be let into my life again! Louis is just going to ignore me, which I don't care about. Much. I mean, it'd be better that he talked to me, but if I had to choose between him ignoring me and him bullying me, I'd choose him ignoring me any day, right?

"Can you come over?" I asked her. She still looked horrified and stressed.

"Yeah, I texted my mom and she said it was fine." She said, biting her lip.

"All right, I'll text my mom." I pulled out my phone and sent my mom a text.

It said: Mom, can my friend Lindsey come over?

She said: Yes of course. Is she allergic to brownies?? ;)

I said: I asked, she's not. Enjoy :)

We rode the bus to my house we walked in and my mom was already shoving brownies into my face. "Hi, Lindsey. It's great to meet you. I'm Mrs. Styles, but please, call me Anne." She said, giving her a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Anne, Mr. Styles," she shook my dad's hand, he gave her a warm smile. I still saw something troubling her, so I cut this short.

"Mom, Dad, we're gonna go upstairs and work on homework, okay?" I said, taking the plate from my mom.

"Fine by me," she said.

"Thank you guys for the brownies, by the way," Lindsey grinned. We started up the stairs and ran into my room. I threw the plate of brownies into her lap.

"What's up?" I said.

She took a brownie, as did I and started her story. "Okay, so you know how I get tutored during lunch, right?" Without even waiting for me to answer, she continued. "Well, I've been getting tutored in Science by a former student my teacher recommended, he was top of the class and whatnot. Well, when my teacher asked the student they fixed their schedule so they could tutor me during lunch, right? Well, I was expecting a girl. But...I was mistaken. It was a guy. And he was cute! I was all worried, you know, thinking about what might happen. Well, he's 19, right? Well, after a while of tutoring, we became friends and I got his number and stuff. He knew I was 14, though, but I'm almost 15, but that doesn't help my case much because I'm still illegal for us to date or anything. Well, today, during the tutoring session, he kissed me. I didn't know what to do, so I kissed back. He started using tongue and tried to deepen the kiss, but I stopped him. I don't know what to do! I have to get tutored by him every day, and he's 19 and I'm 14, what do I do?" 

"Honestly, I think you need to confront him. Just tell him that you think he's cute and all, but that if you two were to date it'd be highly inappropriate. Plus, he's your tutor. He's supposed to be helping you learn, not try to date you. Plus, you're 14 and he's 19!-"

"Almost 15," she interjected. "Only another few weeks." 

I waved her off. "That should be argument enough! And if he doesn't take no for an answer, request a new tutor." 

"Thank you so much, Harry. I can't thank you enough." Just then, as if he was listening, she got a text from him. His name was Brandon.

Brandon: Hey...I'm really sorry about earlier. I hope you can forgive me, it's just, you're really cute for your age, and I got caught up by you and lost track of what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm supposed to be your tutor, and plus, I'm 19. I hope we can still be friends. Maybe, when you're 18 we could get together sometime? I hope you understand.

Her: Yeah, yeah. Of course. I forgive you. :) Friends?

Brandon: Friends(:

ik ik it was pretty short but i didnt really know where to go from here. well enjoy

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