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hueningkai finally got back home and saw minyoung in the living room watching TV. she was around all of his plushies.

"you still up?" hueningkai asked. minyoung nodded as she ate. he sat beside her and looked at her figure.

"minyoung, do you remember anything of what happened that night?" hueningkai asked her carefully as he emphasized 'that night'.

minyoung's head shot up and hueningkai saw her panicked state.

"uhm, it's getting pretty late, i should get goin-"

she tried to make up an excuse but hueningkai didn't let her leave.

"minyoung!" hueningkai held her shoulders.

"please, calm down and let me explain." he said as he gestured her to sit down.

"i think we did something in that hotel room, but i don't remember it either, i swear, i was drunk." hueningkai sternly said.

"so, do you think we can just be friends? let's just pretend, nothing happened ever between us, okay?" he asked and minyoung nodded.

"phew, i finally got that off my chest.." hueningkai sighed.

"and, you have a lot of plushies. they're cute tho and soft." she hugged 2 of them.

hueningkai saw her bright smile, it was cute..

no, it made his heart beat faster..


"soobin oppa!" the woman hugged him as he just came downstairs.

"what do you want seyeon?" soobin asked annoyed.

"are you really dating.. 'that' girl..?" seyeon emphasized and glared at y/n as she raised an eyebrow.

"yes i am, anything else?" he tried to make seyeon leave.

"ummm.... should we have dinner together?" she kept clinging onto him. y/n couldn't help but feel slightly jealous for some reason.

"no thanks, i already ate with y/n."

"now, could you please leave?" soobin opened the door for seyeon.

"fine, but next time i won't take no for an answer soobinie!" she booped his nose before leaving.

"finally! she's gone!" he said after shutting the door.

"who was that anyways?" y/n asked.

soobin sighed.

"it's a friend of mine. seyeon. she's one of my mother's friends daughter. she has a crush on me ever since we met, but i never felt the same way." he said as he sat down on the couch.

"oh, then that's a good thing i guess?" y/n said.

"by the way," soobin looked up at y/n.

"what should we say to the press about our engagement?" she asked.

"i don't know yet, but i promise i'll help you.i still need to figure things out. i'll probably think of something tomorrow but.." he grabbed y/n close to him as he held her waist tightly, preventing her to get away.

'should we continue what we started..?'

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