Chapter 18

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Rin's funeral was the following week. Hana chose not to attend the funeral, as she felt directly responsible for her murder, which meant I was there alone. At the funeral, I spoke about how she was a kind, caring person, who deserved so much better.

Haru's funeral was the week after, but I decided not to attend. After the horror of the last three months, I realised Haru was the entire reason.

I still couldn't believe she was behind all of this though. She was always so kind. She even helped me go on a date with Saki.

Why would she do that...?

A few days after the funeral, I went to her grave myself, to say a few last words.

"I'm sorry, Haru."

"I will never forgive you for doing what you did, but I apologise for not understanding you."

"Thank you."

School felt so much different now. I started to hang out with Hana more, since we both needed help getting over our past. Most of her friends had left her after the investigation, saying she had "changed" and that she was no longer what she was before.

In a way, they were right. Neither me or Hana were the same. The shy, happy person I was six months ago was now in my past; I had become a less shy but much more solemn person.

Hana, on the other hand, reverted back to how she was before Christmas, although she started to change her style slightly. Although she remained kind, she also was badly affected by the past. Her smile showed sorrow, and pain. She no longer wore a big blue ribbon, and wore a black hairclip instead.

I started going to therapy at some point. After all I had seen, I decided I needed it. Going weekly also made me realise something important.

It was time for me to let go of Saki.

The thought hurt me inside, but it was unhealthy how much I loved her. I needed to accept that I wouldn't see her again, and move on.

And through time, I did.

I never forgot the times we had together, but moving on made me feel better about myself. It was like if I didn't leave her, I would be staying in the past.

The horrible, terrifying past.

But I eventually managed to do it. But one thing was for certain.

I owe my life to Saki and Hana.

Had Hana not come to my house that day, and had she not reminded me of Saki...

I would not be experiencing life.

Those many months made me realise how precious life was. Saki and Rin were both amazing people who were enjoying their life. And they had both of their lives ripped from their hands.

Life is about the experiences you have, the friends you make, the ups and downs. And I only realised that day.

Before I knew it, I was in my final year of high school. Hana was doing a lot better as well; I'd encouraged her to take therapy as well. Her smile was a lot brighter, and she seemed happier, but also more mature. Hana still regretted helping me in such a way, and would still apologise.

We were pretty much each other's only friends since the incident with Haru. I eventually did forgive her for everything she did to Rin. Ultimately, it wasn't her fault. Something I learned from those three months was that desperate people are always willing to go to extreme measures to get what they want, especially when their own life came into the equation.

Hana eventually admitted she still had feelings for me at some point during the summer. By now, I was over Saki, even though I still missed her. And Hana's kindness and support over the months made me realise that she was truly a beautiful person on the inside too, like Saki.

And I admitted that I liked her back.

Although we did technically become a couple, the past echoed in my memories. I was worried that I would lose Hana if I didn't care for her enough.

The weekend of Saki's murder came around yet again. I struggled greatly that day, but Hana helped me, reassuring me it will all be okay. Shortly after, my birthday came again, and we celebrated it together.

Time passed, and although I got over Saki, she still meant a lot to me, as did Rin.



Thank you.

Stay safe in heaven.

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