Chapter 13

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"I'll be waiting for you..."

"I love you."

I woke up suddenly with my heart racing and sweat all over my face. I slowly looked over to my clock.

January 22, 2021.


Two months later, and I was still thinking about Saki every day.

But I will not stop until I, at least, find who killed her.

It had been two weeks since I started working with Hana to try and catch Rin. Hana had a strange personality, she seemed very interested in anything... bloody. Although she was nice, every word she said felt very aggressive; like she wanted to constantly start an argument.

But nothing had really happened since, we had no idea how we could get a hold of her.

I slowly stood up, and made my way downstairs. After a dream like that, I needed a glass of water.

It was pitch black, as it is that early in the morning. I forced myself into the kitchen, and switched on the light.

And through the window, for a split second, I saw a shadow.

I hurriedly opened the window. "Who's there?" I called out.

It was too late; whoever it was had disappeared into the night.

I sighed, and pulled out a glass, filling it up with water from the tap.

What were the police doing? Why had nothing else come out about her murder?

Did they even care?

My hands began to tremble from anger. Saki wasn't just an object, made to be thrown away. She was a person. An amazing, beautiful person who shone brightly wherever she was.

A person who deserved so much better.

The image of her cold, dead body entered my mind again, and tears formed in my eyes.

I will take revenge.

I went back into my bedroom, and saw my phone light up. It was a call from...

... Rin.

I ran over quickly to pick it up.


"I need to talk to you about something important. It is why I have not been at school." She sounded like she had been crying. Her voice was raspy, and I could sense fear.

"What's going on..?"

"Come to my house right now. Please."

"Rin-san? I don't understand.."

She hung up.

Many thoughts rushed into my brain. Why would she call me? And why now? I quickly changed into some clothes and ran out the door into the freezing night.

Half an hour later, I knocked on Rin's door. I didn't know what to expect, but I was worried it was something to do with Saki. I stood there for a moment, waiting for any response.

The door opened, but it wasn't Rin.

It was Hana.

"Oh my. You actually came, Mako-kun.

I took a step back in shock. "Hana-san? What are you doing here?"

She smirked, sending a chill down my spine. "Come in. You'll be happy to see this."

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