Chapter 9

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Rin and Haru knew about the plans me and Saki had, so I knew at lunch the next day, that would be all they'd ask about.

However, I didn't expect them to be as excited as they were when me and Saki walked in, holding hands.

Haru instantly jumped up and laughed when she saw us. "I guess your date went well?"

Rin was sitting down next to her. I thought I saw a tear in her eye, but I couldn't tell.

Saki blushed, but laughed. "It was the best evening of my life."

I blushed too, but also smiled. I didn't realise that's how much fun she had.

But I was glad at the same time.

Rin slowly stood up. "So, Saki-chan and Mako-kun. Are you both... dating?"

I hadn't thought of that. I turned to Saki, who seemingly had the same thought as me. I took a risk, not knowing how she would react. "I guess we are."

Rin smiled, and I thought I saw another tear. Saki smiled more; I assume she was okay with it.

Haru patted both of our heads. "Congratulations. Only a matter of time before you..." she smiled at us cheekily.

"N-no..!! Haru!" I said, blushing a lot more.

Saki laughed. "She might be right. After all, what if we want kids..?"

I had no idea why this conversation was happening.

But I didn't mind.

From that day forward, we started walking home together more often. Although we didn't kiss since the festival, we became almost inseparable. We even stayed over at each others' houses a few times.

Around two weeks later, on a Wednesday evening, me and Saki were walking home together, holding hands. It was already fairly dark, as it is in November. The air was cold, but I felt warm just being next to Saki.

"Mako-chan, I don't think I ever asked when your birthday is."

My birthday was actually on November 22, which was the upcoming Sunday. I didn't really want anything though.

"It's this Sunday. When's yours?" I smiled.

"Woah, yours is so close! Mine is on April 4." She laughed gently. "Can I get you something?"

"It's okay, but thank you. I'd just like to be with you."

Saki smiled gently, and looked at me. "How about I stay with you all weekend?"

"Could you really do that?"

"Of course!" She smiled brightly at me. I felt warm inside from it.

"Thank you, Saki-chan. I really love you."

"I love you too, Mako-chan."

We spent most of the walk home just talking about anything and everything. But as we reached her house, Saki said something that made me think.

"Mako-chan, thank you."

"What for..?"

"Ever since I met you, my life has become so much better. I've enjoyed every day I've had with you more than any day I had before."

I blushed. I didn't realise she felt that way. I knew how she felt before, but...

Was it really all because of me?

If so, I'm just glad that I could make her feel that way.


She looked at me with her beautiful smile. My eyes began to water.

"Mako-chan? Are you okay..?" Saki stopped walking and looked at me, concerned. Out of instinct, I hugged her.

"I'm so glad. I'm so glad you're happy..." My tears slowly ran down my face.

Saki smiled and hugged me back. She was so warm, and comfortable. "There, there.."

I let go, and wiped my tears. Saki smiled gently at me...

And kissed me on my lips.

I didn't know how to react, but I was happy. She slowly pulled away. "Do you feel any better now..?"

"Saki-chan... I'm always happy with you."

She laughed slightly, and we continued on the walk home.

The next day, while walking to school with Haru, I got a message from Saki, saying Rin wanted to see me in private before the first class.

I was confused. Why would Rin want to see me? Is it about the letters? Or maybe it's about Saki? The questions lingered in my mind as I continued to walk to school.

I found Rin in the library. She was sitting on a table at the back, by herself. Her face was in another book by Arisa Kurisu. Yet another murder mystery. She sure does like that style. As I approached her, I noticed a few tears in her eyes. They were red, possibly from crying. She also had a slight blush on her face.

"Rin-san... are you okay?"

"Oh! Mako-kun! Good morning." She jumped up quickly and shut the book, before wiping the tears from her eyes. "I am fine, thank you."

I wasn't convinced.

"Well, what did you want to talk about?"

Rin took a deep breath, and looked directly up into my eyes before she spoke.

"Mako-kun, I know you and Saki-chan have been... dating, for two weeks now. I wanted to tell you before.. but I was not able to bring myself to do it."

Oh no.

Was she...

About to confess?

"Mako-kun, I like you. I know you do not feel the same way, but I felt like you deserved to know." Rin looked down.

This was too much for me. I didn't know how to respond.

I wanted to try and tell her it's okay, but I knew deep down that it wasn't.

"Rin-san... I'm so sorry..."

"No... I am. I must go." Rin picked up her book and quickly ran out of the library.

I stood there in confusion. I never would have thought the quiet and smart Rin would say that to me. I shook my head gently and walked out of the library.

On my way to class, I had a pleasant surprise. I saw Saki as I was walking, and instantly felt better.

"Hey, Saki-chan!" I called out to her. She saw me, and graciously ran up to me and hugged me in the middle of the corridor.

"Mako-chan! I was just thinking about you!" She smiled brightly, and let go of me. "How's it going?"

"Now that you're here, it's going great. How are you?"

"I'm also great!" She patted my head gently; a habit she picked up from me.

"Saki-chan, have you spoken to Rin this morning?"

"Yes... she seemed upset. She said she didn't want to talk to you or Haru about it though."

"I understand." I was still confused by the confession, but I guess everyone was different.

The bell rang, and me and Saki embraced again. Being with her never failed to make me happy.

And from tomorrow, I would be able to spend my entire weekend with her.

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