Chapter 4 - Steamy shower

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The rest of my first day went like shit. I mean, there was nothing to do! I had honestly started to wish, that I would have one of those private counseling sessions, because I was bored out of my mind. After Kenneth had left, he basically disappeared and I wasn't sure if he had run away or something like that, so I was left alone, in the grass, trying to talk to one of the other kids, but whenever I was approaching another guy, a counselor came up to me and told me to sit somewhere else.  

I tried approaching a girl once, but she send me a death glare and so I thought, no thanks. The rest of the two hours I had, I spend trying to build a house with leaves, but failed. God I was bored. After that, we were send inside to stay in the 'hangout room', since apparently, when somebody new joined the program for the first day, they gave them some time to get used to the place. Most of the other students were called for a one on one session afterwards and so I waited for Wendy to join me and make this all a bit more bearable, but she didn't. 

After another hour of doing absolutely nothing, well, I drew a bit on the board and played chess against myself, we were called to dinner in the cafeteria, which I was not looking forward to. The small room looked exactly the same, only that some of the staff had their own table, where they were enjoying the food, while we waited in line, getting what appeared to be some catfish and peas. Yikes...I hated fish, but it didn't seem like I had an option to eat anything else. 

"Excuse me, is there a vegetarian option for this?" I asked the lady with the hairnet, who looked like she hated just the idea of talking to me. "Yes" she said and I was pleasantly surprised! Anything was better than fish so... "Well then I will take that" I said and watched the woman take one of the white plates, before putting two big scoops of peas on top, handing it to me. "Next!" she yelled way too loudly, because the girl behind me in line was literally a feet away. 

"Thanks" I muttered, taking my peas and the pudding onto my tray, walking over to one of the empty tables. I already wanted to dig in, even though this didn't look too yummy, but I was hungry as fuck, until somebody hit my arm with the fork I was holding, making me freeze. When I looked up, I saw Wendy grinning at me, but her eyes looked a bit red. Now normally I would have said she had smoked some without me, that bitch, but since that wasn't allowed here, that only meant she had cried. But I held back from asking her about it. 

"You have to wait for Simon to say grace. Its like you have no idea about christianity" she chuckled and I put down the fork, groaning. 

"Fuck, I'm gonna starve" I exclaimed and Wendy shook her head, giggling, before walking away and towards the line to get her food. I glanced around, but only met sad faces, that were busy being painfully quiet, so I decided to just focus on my peas, writing HELP with them on my plate. This was officially the most boring day ever. I was very into writing with my food, until somebody put down a tray next to me, who I presumed to be Wendy. 

"Hey this is killing m-" I said, until I actually looked up and saw Kenneth instead of Wendy, smirking at me, as he sat down next to me. My mind went completely blank. And that never happened! Expect for when I was very high. But I wasn't right now so...huh? Before I could open my mouth, Wendy took the seat on my other side and quickly, some other kids like that Eric, the girl who had glared at me and Brian, I think his name was, sat down at the table, before the door opened, revealing Father Simon. He walked inside, taking a seat with an already prepared tray in front of him, at the staff table with all the counselors, standing up and everything went deadly quite. 

"Bless this food, these gifts, oh lord, which we received through your grace. Give us the strength to overcome our sinful ways and follow your path, so we can all become worthy. Amen" Father Simon spoke and everybody folded their hands, silently praying with him. When even Kenneth did so, I followed them and even said Amen at the end, because I had a feeling I did not want to find out what would happen, if I refused to participate. "You may eat" Simon smiled, before sitting down and the whole hall erupted in the sound of metal hitting plate or some silent murmurs, but nobody was actually talking. I glanced around, but even my table was deadly quiet and as the new kid, I wouldn't be the one to test the waters. 

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