The Assault on Daoplov

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Cut to space. Daoplov. The Elitist fleet looms over the planet. Cut to Zekko's destroyer.

Riox at the helm. "Prepare a ground assault on the base. The Resilience dies today." The trooper nods and the ships descend toward the surface.

Down on The Valley, the Resilience prepares for battle. Master Dytrillia and the other Jedi are on the ground. Including Jeb and Kellus. Citizens of Rou Flodi are fighting as well. A crash sound is heard. Troopers are breathing heavily. Their enemy is invisible. The fog is making things that much more difficult to see. Crunching and cracking of trees is heard.

"Hold your ground men! Fight strong!" General Quitos yells.

The creaking noises approach the resilience. Then. It all stops. Dytrillia looks around, so does Jeb, who is wearing fog goggles to see. The wind whistles as the Star destroyers loom over the base.

Out of nowhere, a blaster shot comes from the forest beyond. Right at the Resilience forces.

"OPEN FIRE!" Dytrillia yells.

They cannot see their enemy but the enemy can see them. Troopers begin firing at the forest. Through the goggles, Jeb sees moving objects approaching them.

"WALKERS!" Jeb yells.

The Jedi ignite their lightsabers. The red eyes of the Sith Elitist SR-TT walkers glow in the weather. More artillery fire from the walkers come.

In the main one, General Riox is inside. "Fire on the base!!!" He commands.

The walkers begin to fire on the base and explosions occur. Dara is inside. She falls to the ground due to the quaking from the blasts.

Quitos runs over to Kellus, "The base can't stand this much damage!"

Kellus looks at him, "Call in the air strike!"

Out of the hangar, dozens of Resilience ships exit the base. Sarodhi in the front of the squad. Flying The Centurion.

G-7 says, "Ready to fire. Let's show these guys who we really are!"

Jurek is in the gunner seat.  The Centurion does a blaster run on the walkers.

"Call in the fighters." Riox says.

Multiple Elitist ships begin to come down from the Star Destroyers in the sky. Resilience ships have dogfights with the Sith. Sith Elitists begin to charge at the ground resilience troops. Blaster fights ensue. The Jedi masters fight back the oncoming attackers.

In the distance, Jeb notices something, in the fog, a red glow comes across the way. Zekko.

"He's here." Jeb tells Kellus.

"Wait Jeb!" Kellus yells.

Jeb charges across The Valley and into the forest to fight his brother. Kellus tries to go after him but gets overwhelmed with enemy troopers. Dytrillia and the other Jedi continue to fight.

But Riox sees Dytrillia on the battlefield. "Concentrate all fire on that Jedi." The walkers aim at the Masters. The battle gets quiet.

"Surrender now, or we shall destroy your Jedi." Riox says.

Dytrillia looks at Kellus across the way and nods, as if he was comforting him.

"FOR HOPE!" Dytrillia yells as he charges at the walkers.

He nods at Kellus one last time in assurance of what if about to happen. The walkers begin firing on Dytrillia. He forces one of the blasts, but the more coming down on him end this Jedi's life. Riox has killed Dytrillia. Kellus falls on his knees in agony. His friend, his fellow master, sacrificed himself. The other masters grieve the loss as well but continue to go back fighting off the forces.

Sarodhi and Jurek look down and see the explosion from the Walkers. A tear streams down her face.

"We can't lose. We've lost so much." Sarodhi tells Jurek.

"We haven't lost yet my friend, we can do this." Jurek says as he runs back to the gunner position and resumes firing on the enemies.

Resilience and Elitist troopers alike fall to the ground. This battle is epic but destructive. So much death. So little victory...

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