Jurek Rido

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Cut to hyperspace. The Centurion zooms on in the tunnel. Inside, our heroes are talking. G7 pilots while Sarodhi exits and meets Jeb in the passenger area.

"Once we arrive, I will talk to the Jedi. Kellus will aid us I know. I'm sure the other masters will." Jeb says.

Sarodhi smiles, "We've come so far since we've first met Jeb. If we take this weapon down, it will make our victory even closer!"

The hope in Sarodhi is growing. With the Jedi on their side, a sure victory will be near.

"Jeb, when I first met you, I didn't realize we'd become such good friends. Now, you are one of my best. One year ago you were a citizen of Scora, now, a Jedi. I'm so proud of you. Standing up for what's right. It's inspiring to people like me, and the Resilience." Sarodhi says.

Jeb tears up by what he just heard. "Sarodhi thank you, you too. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you."

G7 walks in, "Don't worry, I put it on auto pilot. We should be to Rou Flodi soon."

Suddenly a crash noise is heard from inside a closet in the Centurion. Jeb gets up quickly, he has his hand on his lightsaber. He signals Sarodhi to quietly walk over. Her hand on her blaster. She has to readjust her grip so it isn't weak.

As they approach the closet area, Jeb signals to her, he mouths "Ready..."

Our heroes swing the door open, Jeb ignites his lightsaber and Sarodhi points her gun, at the stowaway.

"Who are you??" Jeb says.

The stowaway quivers as he answers, "I'm Jurek! Jurek Rido, I'm not an enemy! I'm with the Resilience."

Jurek is a resilience pilot. He is dressed in generic attire but with a brown belt holding his blaster.

Sarodhi sighs, "Jurek! What are you doing here?"

Jeb looks confused, "You know each other?"

Sarodhi is upset, "Yes, Jurek and I went to pilot school together a few years ago."

G7 runs over and zaps Jurek in the leg.

"OW!" Jurek yells.

"That's enough G, why are you here?" Jeb asks.

Sarodhi grabs Jurek's hand and helps him up.

Jurek speaks."I heard you were going on a mission, to gain allies. I want to help. When I heard of what you both did on Scora, I knew I needed to come with you. For Hope. For the Resilience. Please, let me help you."

Sarodhi looks at Jeb as he nods, "Sure, but make sure you keep us out of trouble, I'm sure the Sith will be looking for us. We found they are constructing a weapon, it is up to us to destroy it before it's too late."

Jurek steps back, "A weapon. Yes I know. I heard the briefing. We have to act fast."

Jeb agrees and reaches out his hand, "Jurek, I'm Jeb Rangor. Officially."

Jurek smiles and shakes his hand, "Truly an honor."

G7 walks up too, "G7-14. Sorry about the shock..."

Jurek laughs, "It's ok."

As they finish talking, the Centurion rips out of hyperspace, revealing the stunning planet Rou Flodi, yet again...

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