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Matteo's POV

Green eyes with grey spots weren't the only thing that fascinated me about her. She was tall- but still shorter than me-had cute button like nose covered with light freckles, her skin was light for a werewolf, that made her red full lips stand out. Light brown hair framed her delicate face, the shining sun making them look gold. I would love to hear the tone of her voice. How she would say my name. I could already feel strong connection forming between us. Making me fall for her every passing second. But everything stopped because of the other wolf.

"Rout? Are you okay? What is going on here?" he asked his hand holding her shoulder. I could sense her breath hitch. Like she was taken back to reality from his touch. My jealous side had enough.

"Don't touch her, she is not yours!" Low growl escaped my lips eyes never leaving hers.

"What did you just say?" he asked visibly angry.

"I said, do not touch what is not yours! She doesn't belong to you." This time I growled louder, with a stern look. He looked confused eyes darting to my beautiful mate. Then he came to a realization and his anger changed into hurt.

"Rout is it true?" she shyly nodded and said: "Ed, I think it would be better if you leave." I watched as he turned around and without looking back, he went the opposite direction. With that I couldn't maintain my smile.

"I am Matteo." My tone turned sweet and soft. Not wanting her to think I am an aggressive person.

"I am Rout." Her eyes shone with happiness. And with that the entire outer world melted and she was the only one I could see.

Rout's POV

'Rout, that is him, that is our mate, and he is standing right in front of us.' My inner wolf was beaming with excitement. But can I blame her? A tall boy with muscles clearly visible underneath his shirt. Big eyes in the colour of black coffee, almost black wavy hair, sun kissed skin, narrow nose, and asymmetric lips-bottom lip fuller than the top one which almost disappeared when he smiled. He was perfect...Not like me... I realized what it all meant and adverted my gaze.

"Do you perhaps want to go for a walk?" he asked with hope. His voice deep and velvety, I nodded. I picked up my notebooks and textbook putting them in my school bag. After that we walked towards the park near the school. Both silent.

Should I initiate the conversation? Ask him about his pack? Family? School? His rank? But what if he asked me those questions in return? Would I tell him about my family? I don't want him to know about my father.

'Stop overthinking everything! He is ours and we are his-start acting like it. I already like him and can't wait to meet his wolf.' My inner wolf was right, like usually, I should stop stressing about this.

"Happy birthday." He said with warm smile.

"Thanks, but how did you-" he cut me: "Know?" I nodded.

"Well, we go to the same school and I never saw you or more precisely never smelled you meaning you had to turn eighteen." He explained.

"I turned eighteen yesterday. How old are you?"

"I'll turn nineteen at the end of school year. In June. You left me waiting for quite some time." I giggled at his last sentence. That seemed to break the ice and we started talking like we knew each other for years. Matteo told me about his family-his father is an Alpha of the South pack, his mother the best cook there is and his younger brother a semi-professional swimmer. He told me about his likes and dislikes and about his best friends-Nur and Will. The conversation went my direction and I told him bits about me, not forgetting to mention that my father is a Beta, because it is important to know where I stand in my pack...stood in my pack. Still on a cloud nine thinking about how perfect he is we got to the inevitable. How are we going to live. It is typical for the girl to live with the boy. And I would love that, but I am scared of my father. Matteo sensed something was wrong and told me we could go and talk to my parents, that he will stay by my side. I felt relaxed after hearing that. Somehow knowing what he said was true. He will be there for me when I need him.

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