Chapter 8: Revenge

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*Oka-Azuul is 049, Cizaal is 035, Shade is 087-B*

Warning, this chapter is really dark. Especially for Newscapepro standards.

*Cory's POV*

It took a while, but we managed to 'convince' the pilot of the helicopter that MTF squad came in to take us to the site we wanted. I went and got Shade, who was covered in blood and still a bit worked up. I wonder what he does to the people he attacks. I probably don't want to know.

When we arrived at the site, Abel immediately killed the pilot. Pretty brutally, at that. I told him to hold off against people with the same outfit as me and a professor with a German accent. I had to imitate it so he would know, which got a chuckle out of Shade. I would have asked them to leave Dr. Patience alone, but he never bothered to tell me the fate of the D-class or stand up to Professor Otis for my sake. I did ask him to let Patience have a painless death though.

My first goal was to free the few SCPs contained here. Easy enough, but as much as I hated it, 999 would have to stay for now. 173 was the only other one that was mobile, so I freed him. I told him who I'd rather deal with myself, and he agreed to leave them alone. Ignoring the screams of panic and alarms blaring, I went to find Professor Otis. 

As I expected, he was in his office. He was shocked that I wasn't contained, and asked how I was free. I told him about my anomalous allies. He just laughed at me, saying how he knew I shouldn't be a guard, how I should be locked away. How I was a monster. This caused something within me to snap, and I let the anger take me over. I raised my electric weapon, and aimed it right at him..He panicked, and tried to call for backup. I was faster, and got a perfect hit with the taser. When I walked over to him, I could see the fear in his eyes. He begged me to let him go. I put one foot on him to keep him down, and responded by telling him that since he didn't show mercy to me, I wouldn't to him. I raised my weapon again, my actual gun this time, and fired. He was gone in an instant. I ignored the fact I just killed a person. It actually felt nice to be rid of him. Now for the people I used to trust.

Triana and Hooper were desperately trying to recontain all the SCPs. I found Hooper first, and called out to him. He was excited to see me because of all the chaos, then remembered that I was an SCP too. And then he saw the look of hate on my face. "Cory?" He asked. I said nothing, and raised my taser. "Cory, wait!" I ignored him as he frantically tried to calm me down. He started bullying me when Otis did, because he always followed his orders. He deserves the same fate. I fired, and Hooper fell from the electric shock. Just as I walked up to him and readied my gun, Triana ran up.

Triana: Hooper, what's wro- Cory?

I looked at her and glared.

Triana: Cory, what are you doing? Why are you- 

She was cut off by me firing Hooper's taser at her. I went ahead and finished him off. Just then, Abel came crashing through the wall, and I heard everything about to give out. Abel noticed too, and got me out of the area.

I returned after the collapse, to find Triana trapped under a section of wall. She was scraped up, and very afraid. I raised my weapon, ready to deliver the final blow. 

Triana: Cory, did you cause this? Did you bring everything here? Free 173? 

Cory: Yes. I did.

Triana: Why? Why are you doing this? 

I sighed, and looked her dead in the eyes. "Because," I told her. I said one sentence before I pulled the trigger. 

"I have lost faith in humanity."

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