Chapter 7: Containment Breach

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*Oka-Azuul is 049, Cizaal is 035, Shade is 087-B*

*Cory's POV*

We finally found the control room. Since Shade had free roam of the facility, he told me which SCPs were objects and which ones could actually be freed. Almost immediately after I flipped the first switch, for 076, alarms started blaring. I ignored it and the four of us worked together to flip the other switches Shade said to. We were told what to expect if we ran into any of these SCPs, and went to ensure they weren't recontained.

Cizaal: We should be ready for MTF if they show up.

Shade: I'll handle that. This won't be the first time I slaughtered an entire squad.

Cory: That... is kind of terrifying. You've been joking the whole way to the control room and now you say that so casually.

Shade: Yeah, I'm used to it.

Oka-Azuul: Cory, with you being a part of Alpha Strike, you might come across your teammates again. You should be careful.

Cory: Don't worry. I have something special planned for them.

Shade: Wow, what did they do to tick you off this much?

Cory: Refused to help save Oka-Azuul from 610. They abandoned me for wanting to give him another chance at life. 

Cizaal: Isn't that incident the reason you're doing all this in the first place?

Cory: Yep. And they will pay the consequences. They will feel the pain and disappointment I did. The same feeling of betrayal.

Shade: Jesus Christ, Cory.

Oka-Azuul: Well, you were disturbed by Shade getting unusually dark and yet here you are doing the same thing.

Cory: Oh, I am aren't I? Whoops. 

Cory: And Shade, if you were trapped in a staircase for... however long you were there-

Shade: 467 years.

Cory: 467 years, how do you know that phrase?

Shade: I picked it up from some scientists.

Cory: Oh. Makes sense.

*announcement comes on that mobile task force entered the building*

Shade: I'll go handle that. And I'll teleport anyone wearing a green outfit like yours away so you get to deal with them however you like.

Cory: Alright. I'd rather take them on back at the base I stay at, if possible. That's also where he is.

Shade: Okay. *teleports to the gate*

Cizaal: I guess we're on our own again.

*crashing is heard right around the corner*

Oka-Azuul: And you jinxed it.

Cory: Alrighty then. Let's hope this doesn't go too badly.

???: *walking around the corner to see them* More targets.

Oka-Azuul: You jinxed it again.

Cizaal: Oh. Hi Abel.

Abel: Why are you two with a human?

Cory: You know him?

Oka-Azuul: They've put us in the same containment.

Abel: I'll ask again. Why. Are you two. With a human?

Cizaal: He's helping us. And the reason you're free.

Cory: Also, I'm apparently not as human as the foundation would like.

Abel: Fine. But it's been a while since I've been out.

Cory: I'm planning on absolutely destroying another site if you'd like to come along.

Oka-Azuul: With how kind you have been to all of us, that was not what I expected you to say.

Cory: What Professor Otis has done requires the most chaotic revenge.

Abel: Sounds like fun. I'm in.

Cory: Alright. Let's find a helicopter.

Cizaal: Who's going to pilot it?

Oka-Azuul: Whatever unfortunate soul we find first who can.

Abel: Can I kill the pilot when we get there?

Cory: Yep. You can. We'll have to wait for Shade before we leave, but when we arrive, stuff is gonna go down.

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