Chapter 2: Understanding

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It had been a few days since Cory discovered he might be immune to certain SCPs. Professor Otis had been insisting Cory test with various SCPs to further determine the extent of it, but many were too dangerous to use an important member of personnel. Eventually, it was agreed to place him with 173, alongside two D-class during a cleaning session.

Guard: Okay, approach SCP 173. Maintain eye contact at all times, alert each other before blinking.

Cory: Okay, here goes. I still don't know why I'm a part of this. At least there are two other people.

*The door closes behind them*

Cory: *turning around for a couple seconds* I don't like this idea anymore...

D-class #1: *turning to Cory* Dude, what are you doing? They said to keep looking at it!

D-class #2: *doing the same* Yeah, and you look like a guard or something so you should know be-

*D-class #2 gets his neck broken by 173*

D-class #1: Holy crap! 

173 (only Cory could hear it): These people are idiots. Telling this guy to keep staring while they look away!

Cory (to himself): Did- did 173 just talk?

D-class #1: Guard guy, keep staring, I have to blink.

Cory: Alright.

*D-class #1 gets his neck snapped anyway*

Cory: Wha- I was looking at it! How did it still move?

173: He's right. How could I move? Wait, I still am... how?

Cory: Oh my god, you can talk. Now I'm really scared. *turning to the camera* Somebody please explain why I'm in here!

173: You can hear me? I guess I chose an interesting time to talk then.

Cory: *turning back to 173* Wait, people can't usually hear you?

173: Yeah. By the way, if you're in here, it's probably a lost cause to get out. People get sent to me to die half the time.

Cory: I'm a member of Alpha Strike. They don't have a reason to put me in here.

173: Oh, now I'm confused, too.

Cory: The only thing I can think of is that Professor Otis set this up. He doesn't like me very much.

173: Is that the guy with the German accent? If so, then that stinks. He tried to convince some guards to trap me with a primed grenade and see what happens.

Cory: It is. Also, I knew he was kind of mean but that's just messed up. 

173: Yeah.

Cory: By the way, if I may ask, why aren't you killing me? You didn't seem to care with those other two.

173: Because you're different. I can move while you're looking at me, plus you're not completely human if your face is anything to go off of. That and you're nicer. Everybody else only cares about these 'experiments.'

173: Though, you also seem familiar. Like I've met you before.

Cory: Well, I did end up having to survive you during the breach at site 6. I was also the one who had the idea of throwing 999 at you. Sorry about that.

173: Huh. And it's okay. I don't think I had felt true happiness in ages before that, even if he did kind of merge with me.

Cory: Oh, uh, you're welcome then.

Guard: Cory, please exit the containment for IMMEDIATE questioning.

*The door opens*

 Cory: I guess I'm leaving now. See you again, maybe?

173: Depends on whether Otis decides to be a jerk again.

Cory: *chuckles* I guess we have something to agree on.

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