Chapter XIII

8 0 0

3:47 am

" Rio "

" Reins "

" Xiao "

Three piles of rubble neatly arranged rested in the bed of sand as big damp rocks rested at each top with carved names.

I found my back against the sand, my two hands rested at my stomach as I fiddle with them, I gazed upon the sun with the five figures above while listening to the brush of the ocean and smell the breeze that it brings.

" Why can't I die. " A thought of mine that still burns the brightest.

" why do you want to die? "

A sweet voice that lingered within my thoughts. I smirked knowing that she wasn't real, nothing but a fragment of my own longing. A deep desire.

" I'm tired. "

She appeared in a dress of puff, it was simple and neat. She wore a hat that would deprive the sun of touching her face. She sat beside me while her eyes scavage the ocean.

" They still need you. "

Just like that, she was gone. I sat upright from where I laid, words flowed out of my lips gruesomely. 

" T~~H~~E~~Y~~? "

" The vile. It consumed you, it took hold of your soul. It left you with nothing but a soulless being to cascade over different realities. Soon you'll be one of them. "

She appeared behind me then disappeared only to emerge yet again standing on the surface of the calm ocean.

" Klaus. There's a reason---why everything that just took place happened. "

The shore came to a halt as did the breeze.

" The whispers in your ears, and all the things that you've seen and have. They've all been given to you---because they chose you, right from the start. Right from the very moment that you were born, you've been chosen. "

" W~~~H~~~O~~~ "

She turned her head to face up the sun and pointed at the five crosses beside the sun then turned back at me.

" They need you up there...we need you up there. "

" Without you, "

" Everything that we know, "

" That we love, "

" will be...gone... " 

" W~~W~~H~~A~~T~~ "

She suddenly appeared beside me as the one in front of me disappeared. She held my hand and brushed my cheeks. She pressed her forehead against mine while we both closed our eyes.


3:47 am

" Klaus. Open your eyes. "

Striking light blinds my eyes shut, then it smoldered down. We were floating in space within more than millions of glimmering stars in every direction I face. 

She motioned her hand softly and in an instant, we were in a different place where the vast black space was not only filled with beautiful stars but was covered in a green nebula. 

My eyes couldn't believe what it was witnessing, It was like a collection of every little thing that burned gleefully and wonderous yet at the same time ignites with a disoriented and chaotic cauldron of calamities. It was a collateral beauty yet no words nor sight of striking glamour would simply wouldn't.

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