Chapter IV

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3:47 am

Lieutenant Schneider,

I walked, crawled, wept, stumbled, and fell, 

I clawed my way, wept once more but this time used my tears to seal some of the bleeding cracks on my lips, stumbled down craters, and fell down on one knee.

My feet felt numb and so did the rest of my body. I gently dropped Captain Rio and leaned him beside a wrecked tank as did I. The clouds ever darker, I fear no light may even pierce nor leave from it, I looked back at my captain---he who barely show life now gives me his.

Tears came out bursting my face with life, now bloody carcasses levitated off the ground and so did burned down vehicles even crashed parts of a plane. I moved my fingers little by little to make a fist as water continues to flood all the way down my neck. I clenched my teeth as hard as I could tasting the bitterness that rivered up on my cheeks, I closed my eyes hoping that everything that came to be was none at all---in times of despair, I denied and yet believed what could not be. 

I punched my head as silly as I looked, I couldn't care less for no one was there to see. Frustrated and in rage I didn't know what to do and where to take it out on, I had none to blame---I only have myself. I punched the tank that I leaned on, pounded the floor, stood on my knees, and screamed as loud as I could using up the energy left in me in a fit of rage. 

I crashed on my back laying naked on the field of rubles. Helplessly I stared high in the clouds, from the corner of my sight, before everything was about to go dark there I saw a flicker of light.

Again I stood on my knees but this time filled not with rage but with wonder. The blue starlight lit once more in the form of butterflies flying altogether as one. My arm extended as my eyes poured no more, the blue starlights flew from above towards the Eiffel tower. 

A beacon of hope showed in the most crucial of times, and there---I followed. I carried my captain once again and this time ran my way towards the tower oblivious of my surroundings and the danger it brings.


3:47 am

The closer I got the louder the thunder-struck, there was a rush and complete certainty in each step I took. There was, this pressure---that gravitated as I reach the epicenter, and a definite force that lore me---as if it wants me...

By the time I was close enough to admire its spectacle as a whole---my body started to hover as well. I tightened my grip furthermore on my captain fearing that he might levitate away in a flick of my finger similar to all the carcasses that flew as if they were leftovers from a wreckage in space.  

Finally, I bathed in a dark hue of blood-red upon reaching the most bottom part of the Eiffel tower and so did my captain. I felt collapsing, falling short on one knee, but I could simply not, not when I'm this close to the staggering blue starlights. 

In a distance, I saw a staircase that leads nowhere but up. The entirety of the dark mist-like entity hovered in one phase but this time, they fell flat on the floor---failing to float higher than my knees. I managed my way up the staircase as I hear last the fleeting screams from the mist.

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