Chapter VI

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3:47 am

Heaven's touch, it's when light lingers softly on bare flesh. It does not bring corrosion nor suffering, only eternal life.

Eternal life---was the life I had and felt through her heartwarming embrace, every time her delicate eyes would meet mine, and whenever my entire being just stood and stop---only to watch her doing anything that comes to her mind.

The day I lost her...was more than just losing her. I lost more than anyone could ever know. I stood and watched their gravestones, the sun finally sets in a flare of golden rays just as we would want it, as the clouds asunder in its overwhelming beauty. Leaves danced as birds sang but all that rang through my ears and shimmered in my sight was a cemetery that had claimed my wife and my son's grave. 

I lost the only sun that shined brighter than anything in this world. Heaven's touch isn't eternal life, it's how you spend your limited time with the people that are dearest to you. 

The light swallowed me whole, it accepted me as if I was some sort of an offering. I felt its touch, then I heard a heavenly symphony. "It is not your time my little soldier." followed by a whisper that felt like an echo through the ages, "They still need you...they're waiting."


3:47 am

My eyes dwindled as I see a glimpse of firelight.  It was a mere kindle at first then slowly grew in size, it was a campfire and I started to see three silhouettes, tiny glowing limelight floated off the ground making their flight slow and aesthetic. It was almost a glowing orb but was merely a very visible particle. It was matter---pure and succulent, that shimmered in the same dimensional plane.

My feet were wrapped with bandages as did parts of my legs. I partially wore a soldier's uniform with blood staining over it, "Klaus. Schneider?" it was my uniform, then voices rang my eardrums. "Schneider you're awake!" 

My eyes widened and I almost jumped off my feet as my lips stretched from cheek to cheek seemingly awkward for me as it is. Lieutenant Xiao, Reins, and captain Rio, they're all here sitting with me by the bonfire. Does my sense of sight trifle over me once more? Does the hell hole that I was magically spat too, continues to run this nightmare? I can't understand...what do you ask of me? 

A solid pat by the shoulder pulled me wide awake, my comrades were definitely here---with me at this very moment. I pointed my throat and formed a crushing motion by my hands and that they understood by just mere seconds. But that wasn't the reason why Rio gave me a hard pat, "Thank you." It was boldly sincere and simple at best that manifests perfection and unsaid words that slowly sinks in me like raindrops gliding through the roof.

I gave him the same pat by the shoulder followed by a smile that speaks of "brother" we shared laughter---somehow I felt overwhelming comfort and cheer, "You look like shit. I'm glad you're here." At this very moment---what feels like eternity slowly turns into tamed time. I'm here---we're here, this is real.

They've given me a sit wrap on the current situation so that we were all on the same page. They saw me four days ago when an old wooden door suddenly popped right in front of them with symbolic carvings and that captain Rio himself was magically transported here too not long before me. 

He came from the ceiling, where pounds of dirt and thick wooden roots spat him out. Fortunately, Xiao and Reins were there when it all happened and noticed my uniform wrapped in his head.

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