Ch. 3

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Midoryia's POV

I could hear Kacchan cursing from the inside of the kitchen as pans clattered together. I could bet 10 dollars that the man didn't even know where the soup was. I couldn't help but laugh softly, which turned out to be a mistake because it caused my head to throb even more. After enduring a few more minutes of pans banging against each other I decided it was time to help him before he destroyed the entire kitchen.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position, rubbing my eyes to relieve some of the headache. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and gripped the cabinet next to it to help support me as I stood. My legs were wobbly and almost buckled out from under me as I stood but I shook it off as I gripped harder onto the cabinet and took my first step. Alright everything seems fine.

I took another step, and then another. Eventually I had made my way over to my bedroom door and I opened it slowly. I leaned against the door frame, stopping to catch my breathe as I could feel cold sweat beads forming on my forehead.

Kacchan had his back to me as he gripped two pans in his hands, grumbling to himself angrily. I didn't realize he cared this much about making me soup.

The walk from my door frame to the kitchen counter as about 15 feet which isn't too far but considering the circumstances I wasn't sure how I was going to do this. I took a deep breathe, I was just going to have to go for it. I steadied myself as I took my first unsupported step forward. My leg almost gave out but I quickly stabled myself.

I went at a slow pace, one foot in front of the other. By the time I was halfway, I was breathing heavily. There was no way I could make it all the way to the counter, but I couldn't go back either now. That's when black dots began to spread throughout my vision, speckling the air in front of me.

That's not good. I tried shaking my head but it didn't work as the dots slowly consumed my vision. I could feel my legs crumple from underneath me before I succumbed to the darkness.

Bakugo's POV


I know it has to be somewhere around here but Deku was the only one who liked the taste of chicken noodle soup.

Speaking of Deku, that little shit can probably hear the noise I'm making which means he's probably laughing at me as we speak. I tightened my grip on the pans in the hands and hit them together out of spite. I hate this.

If Deku hadn't pushed himself so damn hard then we wouldn't even be in this position. If his fever doesn't go down then I'll have to take the dumbass to the ER.  I growled softly as I placed the pans back down on the counter with a loud clatter. That's when I heard thump from behind me.

"What the-?" I turned around to see nothing out of the ordinary but I definitely heard something. I slowly crept around the kitchen counter before coming face to face with a passed out Deku.

"Deku what the fuck?!" I hurried over to him, feeling his forehead. He was begin to heat up again.

"DAMN IT! What the hell did I JUST SAY ABOUT STAYING IN BED?!" I yelled at him even though it was obvious he couldn't hear me at the moment.

I hit my hand against his face, trying to get a reaction. He groaned softly, his face scrunching up into a mild frown.

"Deku?" I asked, lifting him into a sitting position, his weight being supported by my arm that was stretched across his back.

His eyes opened slowly as he seemed to look around the room, trying to take in his surroundings. They landed on me and he opened them a little wider.


"Yeah it's me you dumb fuck. What the hell? I told you to stay in bed!"

"S-Sorry, I could hear you, a-and I figured you were having trouble." He managed to muster out weakly. I sighed and scooped him up into my arms. I carried him back to his room and laid him back in bed before going to retrieve the thermometer.

"Open your mouth", I stated and he complied as I put in the thermometer and took his temperature.

103.1 F

It went up but not a lot. I looked down at him. The idiot was already asleep again. I rolled my eyes as I went to grab another cold rag. I placed it over his forehead once again and just to be safe I grabbed a couple of additional ones and placed them on his arms, legs, and stomach.

This was gonna be a long day.

Fever (Sick Deku) (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now