
"Lea, will you come by today?"

I massaged my temple, feeling tired from peering at the computer all day. "Mom, I will come. Please don't call me during working hours, I'm busy."

I heard my mom let out an apologetic 'oh' sound, "I wanted to listen to your voice so I called, sorry."

"It's okay. I'll see you later, mom, love you."

I ended the call and tossed my phone to my desk. I have to complete my work so I can visit my mom tonight. I averted my gaze to the right-hand corner of my desk computer. Crap, it's seven. There were still a few documents waiting for me to proofread and finalize them. I had to be quick.

I tidied my belongings in a rush, hurrying to the hospital before the visit hours end. I heard someone talking at the end of the hallway, where the CEO's office is located at. I thought everyone left at this hour?

Remembering I was late, I hastened to the lift to not waste any time.

"I know, I will." I nodded continuously while my mother began to say things that mothers say.

"Don't eat junk food. Make sure you dine all three meals on time every day. I will ask Jungkook to check up on you."

"I will mom. Asking Jungkook is not necessary, he has his own life too." I said and folded the towel on my lap before putting it into the drawer.

"I bet Jungkook wouldn't mind." My mom smiled and texted Jungkook. I could only shake my head in defeat. Nobody can stop my mother from loving Jungkook. She wants me to settle with him, I know. Yet, I cannot see Jungkook that way, I just never did, anything more than a friend.

"I brought you the books you wanted." I smiled at the way my mother's eyes lit up when she saw me take out her favourite books from my bag. My mom blissfully received the book and flipped through the pages, inhaling the lignin scent of the book. Yes, she loves that scent.

"Mom, I gotta go. The nurse outside is going to be mad." I half-whispered and kissed my mom's forehead. The nurse outside was kindly asking me to leave because the visiting hour was over, but I stayed for a few more minutes. I felt her burning holes in my back.

"Be careful on your way home." My mom smiled warmly and I waved her goodbye.

How did I end up in the office again?

Clumsy me, I left my phone in the office. Therefore, I'm now wasting the taxi fee just to take my phone back. I thought of just leaving it there, but the hospital will contact me by calling me in case anything happens, I have to keep my phone around me.

"Found you." I grabbed my phone which was under a few files. Great, I can finally head home and sleep.

I walked out of the lobby, slightly bowing at the security who was opening the door for me.

It's raining.

I cursed in my heart, it just has to rain right now. God, why couldn't you let me end my day harmoniously? There's no one else to blame but me for not checking the weather broadcast this morning, I didn't have an umbrella with me.

I watched the rain poured, praying for it to stop so I could go home. If it doesn't stop within 10 minutes, I'm going to run to the taxi stand.

Too bored, I started to compete with no one, aiming to be fast enough to capture the route a raindrop falling from the sky to the ground. It was certainly impossible, they were fast.

That's it, I'm running.

I put my bag above my head, running towards the taxi stand as fast as possible.

Seriously, I was exposed to the rain for less than one minute. I look like I've just come out from a shower right now.

I brushed away the rain on my dress, checking if any taxis were coming this way. The road was hushed, it was almost eleven, people were all home.

The headlight coming from my right caused me to lift up my hand to cover my eyes.

A black Benz parked in front of me, the tinted window rolled down, revealing the driver.

"Do you need a ride?"

Guess who's the driver?🤔

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Guess who's the driver?🤔

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