I Can't Believe You

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I waved at Peter from the living room window, watching him walk down the street. Smiling to myself, I turned around, seeing my mom standing there, "Oh, hey."

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, smiling slightly at me.

I nodded, "Yeah. Peter and his aunt has been taking care of me."

"That's good. I'm glad." she nodded before turning around and walking into the kitchen.

I raised an eyebrow. Well.. alrighty then.

*~5 days later~*

Peter, I haven't heard from you since the day you took me home. Is everything okay? ... are we okay? Did I do something?

I laid my phone down and stared at it for a few moments, no text coming through. I let out a breath and leaned back against my headboard. What did I do? Shaking my head, I looked at my phone once more before standing and pulling my shoes on, walking quickly out of my room.

Since he's not going to talk to me over the phone, I'll just go to his house.

I knocked on the door, lacing my fingers behind me and looking down at the porch. I heard the door open a few seconds later, aunt May standing there, "Oh, hi Gabby. I haven't seen you in while."

"I know." I smiled slightly, "Um, is Peter here."

I saw her tense up slightly, a look of worry crossing her face, "Yes. He's up in his room."

"Okay. Thanks." I smiled again before making my way in and up to his room.

I tried to open it, only for it to be locked. I raised an eyebrow, knocking quietly. A few seconds passed before the door finally cracked open so I could only see his face. His eyes widened, "Oh, Gabby. Hi."

"Hi." I stated, raising an eyebrow. I took in his appearance: messy hair, swollen lips. My heart dropped, "Who's in there?"


"Let me in."

"My room is a huge mes-"

I shoved the door open, my heart dropping again as I saw a girl on his bed, playing with her hands in her lap, "Peter.." I whispered, turning towards him.

"Gabby, please. Let-"

"Why would you do this to me?" I asked, again in a whisper.

"I'm so sorry.."

"I can't believe you. Of all people, I never thought you would  be one to cheat!" I said, my phone getting louder as tears started to fill my eyes.

He stayed quiet, running a hand through his hair and looking down.

I shook my head and backed towards the door, "I hope you're happy, Peter." Tears were now flowing down my cheeks, tears filling Peters eyes.

He shook his head, "Let me just explain-"

"Explain? There's nothing to explain!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up, "You cheated. That's that. I obviously meant nothing to you. Did you do this to Gwen too?"

"No." he whispered.

"Of course you didn't. You probably only dated me because I was her sister. Because I remind you so much of her. Well, guess what Peter? Gwen is dead. I'm not her. I honestly thought you liked me for me."


"No. Stop. I'm going home and I'm blocking your number. I never want to talk, or see, you again, Peter." I stated in a cold voice before turning out of his room.

I ran down the stairs, aunt May stopping me at the door, "I'm so sorry, sweetie." she whispered, hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back, a few sobs escaping my lips  before I pulled away and quickly ran off the porch. I glanced up at Peter's window, seeing him staring down at me. I could make out a few tears rolling down his face. I shook my head and quickly jogged down the street.

No, it is not over! Don't kill me for this... sorry :c

My new story Believe (Jack Frost & OC) is up! Go check that out :D

I also apologize about the gif :3

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