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"So, you wanna watch a movie? Order some Chinese? Maybe even make a pizza to be cheap?" I asked, flopping down on the couch beside him.

He chuckled slightly, "I don't care."

I glared playfully at him, "Your house, your choice."

"Ordering Chinese sounds good. I don't have many movies, though." he shrugged.

I nodded and handed him my phone, "Order whatever, the number is in there. I'll look through your movies and see what all you have."

He nodded before scrolling down my contact list as I made my way over to the shelf with movies on it. He wasn't lying. They don't have a lot of movies.. I frowned slightly. Footloose, the old one, The Notebook, The Last Song, Dear John..

"I'm guessing your aunt picks most of the movies out." I stated, looking back at him.

He chuckled quietly and nodded as he explained what he wanted into the phone. I smiled slightly as I turned back around, "How about a scary movie." I mumbled, "Do you have any of those?"

"Right here." he said, standing right behind me.

I jumped, placing my hand over my heart, "Don't do that to someone." I sighed, shaking my head.

He laughed, hugging me gently, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you scare easily."

"Too easily."

"We're going to a haunted house when October comes around."

I glared at him, "No.'

"Yeah, it's happening. Now, pick between The Conjuring and The Grudge."

"This movie isn't even scary after the fifth time." I mumbled, crossing my legs underneath me as I chewed on a piece of chicken as The Conjuring played on the tv.

"It terrified me when I first watched it." Peter chuckled, looking down at me, "I wanna see Annabelle."

"Nope." I quickly stated, shaking my head.

"What?" he laughed, "You scared of a doll?"

"I'm scared of a demon possessed doll, yes." I frowned, glaring over at him, "It's like I want to see it, but I don't."

"You're curious, but you don't want to be scared."

"Exactly." I nodded, reaching over a picking up some of his rice with my chopsticks, "Now what do you wanna do?"

"Well.. I don't really know." he shrugged, "Whatever you want to do."

"You really suck. This is your house. Show me your room."

He raised an eyebrow before standing and walking out of the room. I quickly ran after him, following Peter up the stairs, "It's a pretty place."

"Not as nice as yours." he sighed.

"It's better here. More like..home." I stated, looking around the room we entered, "I expected it to be more messy."

"I like to keep my room clean." he shrugged, "I know where everything is that way."

"Well, I would say so." I walked over to his desk, seeing a small round machine, "What's this?" I asked, touching it, only for webs to shoot out. I furrowed my brows, turning towards him, "Again, what is that?"

"Just something I'm working on. Nothing." he said quickly, shaking his head.

I blinked and touched the webs that shot out, "These are really sticky.. Just like Spidermans."

"Yeah." he laughed awkwardly, "Weird coincidence."

"Mhm." I nodded slightly, "Why exactly are you making this?"

"Let's go finish our movie, Gabs." he said quickly, walking towards the door.

"What? No, I asked you something."

"No, I don't think so. Come on."

"Peter, stop. What are you hiding?"

"Hiding? I'm not hiding nothing. Now, I'm going to finish your food before if gets cold if you don't come down here."

I hesitated, "If I didn't like food so much, I would keep pestering you about this." I mumbled, stalking past him quickly.

Peter's hiding something. But what is it?

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