~Lovers Forever EBA & JMB♡

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Aye!! My last request for now!!
So request are closed for a while mateys!
This is for brideofharrystyles! Sorry it took a while since my brain kept running away from me I'm so tired chasing it :v and our net was gone (again for pete's sake! Save meeeh) and I can't load myself and mom won't load the wifi again (due to problems :v) but we have wifi now hah and I can publish and watch now XD

*aggresively brushes off the drama* Anyways I hope you'll like it mates!! o(╥﹏╥)o




Today was just a normal day for Emmy, she thought that nothing special was gonna happen today, I mean why would something happen anyway? Everyday was just like this for her

"Have you seen Jared today?" Emmy asked her bestfriend as they headed towards the cafeteria since it was lunch break already

"No I haven't, why?" She replied

"I didn't see him this morning" Emmy said as her bestfriend shrugged and find themselves some seats

Suddenly the cafeteria became quiet, but Emmy didn't pay any attention to it as she and her bestfriend were too busy earing their lunches

Somebody in the middle of cafeteria suddenly shot up in their seat with a mic in hand and music in the background suddenly starts to play as that person begins to sing (What? It's cliche I know, like I want it to be XD)

(Should I put the title of the song? Or ye have to guess it mates XD)

"It's her hair and her eyes today,

That just simply take me away~

And the feeling that I'm falling further inlove

Makes me shiver but in a good way~

All the times that I sat and stared,

As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair~

And she purses her lips,

Bats her eyes, and she plays with me

Sitting there slack-jawed and nothin' to say~

Cause I love with all that I am~

And my voice shakes along with my hands~

And she's all that I see and she's all that I need,

And I'm out of my league once again~"

The boy stopped singing in front of Emmy and her bestfriend's table and cheers were heard from the cafeteria as Emmy was shocked that she stopped eating

"Hey Emmy" the boy said

"J-J-Jared?!" Emmy said still in shock as Jared just chuckled

"I'm here too you know, so what's with the singing?" Her bestfriend called out but kept on eating

"Right, Emmy! I like you! Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Jared said as he reached out a hand for Emmy to take and the cheers were even louder than before

Emmy was speechless for a moment, for she didn't know that Jared also liked her, she didn't know how to respond, so she took Jared's hand instead but Jared pulled her into his arms as he hugged her and whispered

"Was that a yes?" He asked her

"Y-Yeah, I like you too" She answered and Jared hugged her tighter

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