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This request is for layljone!! I hope you like it matey!! And that it turns out fine hehe XD

Oh and this is not a sad chappie, like I said I won't make too much of a sad chappies, because I want this book to be happy to make my mateys smile not cry :))

Also I'm using names here ;)

Have fun cringing _(:з」∠)_



Layla's POV

Here I am in the dance studios, picking up my sister, since my mom kept bugging me from picking her which leaves me no choice but to pick her up (Get it? XD)

I sit across the room watching my sister practice, and here I am completely bored, so I picked up my phone in my pocket and start playing with my phone

*Timeskip to a few minutes because nvm*

"Hey Layla! I'm done practicing but can we go eat?" I heard my sister say

"Huh? Sure yeah, where should we eat?" I said still not looking up

"Can I actually bring a friend?" She ask and I look up and my little sister is already on a normal clothing

"She's Cassie, Cassie this is my big sis! Layla!" She says hugging Cassie's shoulder

She waves at me, "Hi Layla"

"Hello Cassie! Shall we go eat burgers or something?" I said and they both nodded

"Oh wait! Can we wait for my brother? Just a sec— Hey big bro!" She called out and then some blonde boy came out rushing to us

"Alright alright here I am!" He said holding his arms up

The girls both giggle and the boy looks at me, "Oh and who might you be?" He asks

"She is Layla! Lizzy's big sis! Layla this is Cooper, my brother!" Cassie said and I hesitated as we both shaked hands

"Pleased to meet you" He said

"P-Pleased to meet you too?" I said getting flustered over nothing

"Laylaaa! Lets goo!! I'm hungryy!!" Lizz says tugging my arms heading outside the studio

"Alright! Just let go of me, you are not planning to rip off my arms now do you?" I said

"Nope now lets gooo!!" She said running off with Cassie chasing her

"You're not good with kids are you?" He asked

"A bit" I shrugged and he chuckles making his locks fall over his head as I stare at it

"Hello? Layla? You okay? We gotta go or your sister is gonna be mad at you" He said and took s hold of my hand as we exited the studio

"So where do you girls wanna eat?" Cooper asks letting go of my hand as he both patted the two girls

The two looked at each and smiled

"MACBURGERS!!" They both yelled

(I can't think of anything its 12:37 am now, don't judge meh XD)

As we entered the fast food restaurants, I immediately walked my way towards the cashier

"You go find us some seats but first, what do you guys want?" I asked them

"Big bro knows what's mine! How'bout you Liz??" Cassie said

"Sis and I always have the same order so I'm fine, anyways we're going to find some seats!" Lizzy said as she interwines her arms with Cassie then running off to find a table

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