A War Needs Soldiers

Start from the beginning

AJ: Just get for late nights with no sleep.

Scott: Yea we figured we would take nights so the other can sleep.

Colby: Better get ready as the contract signing will be up soon.

Scott looked over as he seen the women all coming over to congratulate Scott but he was able to sneak down to his locker room to get ready for tonight. After an hour Scott was sitting in gorilla looking down at the ground thinking about everything when Alexis walked in and started to run her hand through his hair. He looked up and pulled her into a hug as his kissed her belly.

~Out in the ring~

When the show came back from commercial break Vince was stranding in front of the Shield, Drew Macintyre and Braun Strowman on one side of a table that had a back folder containing the Survivor Series contract.

Vince was about to speak but Sin With A Grin began to play as the fans stood up and were cheering for The Reaper as he walked out onto the stage. Scott soaked in the cheers and chants as he walked down to the ring. He watched the six men in the ring as he slide in and stood in front of the table before picking up a microphone.

Scott: Oh I'm Sorry Vince were you going to say something? I just wanted to make sure that whatever you had to say, you could say it to my face that is if you have the grapefruits.

Vince: You look like you are missing something, Oh wait I know what it is. You don't have the Universal Championship no more. So Much for a fighting champion, huh.

Scott: That's a good one Vince and your right I don't have the championship anymore but you know the funny thing is that it took four men to take that title from me, but that I am not worried about right now because I will get my title back. Right now, All I care about is taking you down!

Vince: I really hope you don't plan to do that all on your own but then again I don't think anyone would want to step in to this destructive force that I have built for Survivor Series.

Scott: I have to admit Vince, you did build one hell of a team but the only issue is that you don't understand how many people in the back are just itching to shut you up. I mean I must have had everyone on the roster begging to be in this match. Except of course the ass kissers you have standing behind you.

The five men began walking around the table before Vince stopped them and backed them up.

Vince: Now hold on, I know you all want to get your hands on him but we need him at one hundred percent so there are no excuses of why he loses.

Scott: I really had to think long and hard about who I wanted to join me in this fight because everyone knows you need great soldiers when going to war, Ones that you know has your back no matter what and will do whatever it takes to come out on top. So the first person that I chose is a man that was able to defeat three members of Evolution in one night to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan!

The crowd cheers as Flight of the Valkyries began to play and Bryan came out on the stage. He looked at the fans as he could see all the fans throwing their hands in the air and chanting "YES"! Bryan started throwing his hands in the air and hopped down sideways to the ring before climbing into the ring and shaking Scott's hand.

Vince: You picked a B+ player? I am really starting to question your thought process here Scott but If Daniel Bryan wants to fail with you then I am not going to stop him.

Scott: You don't have to worry about that, this is only the start. I needed the A+ player because as you keep doubting him, he will keep proving you wrong.

I bring the Darkness Started to play as everyone looked to the stage to see Baron Corbin walking out on stage with a microphone in his hand. As Baron walked down to the ring, he started talking.

Baron: Scott I know that you had not told me yet but I just wanted to personally add myself to your team because if you want to win, I am the only person that can do that for you.

Scott: Why would I want you on my team? You can't win big matches, hell you couldn't cash in the Money in the Bank contract on a beaten down Cena. But Baron I'm glad you are out here because I want to use you as an example because my next choice for my team is someone that knows how important it is to strike OUT OF NOWHERE!

As Scott was talking Randy Orton gave Baron a RKO before climbing into the ring and climbing on the turnbuckle to do his signature taunt. Orton climbed down as Vince is starting to show some concern as he knew how dangerous Orton is at Survivor Series.

Scott: What's wrong Vince? It's like you can start to see the big picture here?

Vince: Orton was defiantly a surprise but we all know that Orton can't be trusted. He will turn on you at any moment.

Scott: Or he could be the solo survivor like he has shown multiple times in the past. I know that when the pressure is on Orton can get the job done. Now Vince when I look at your team I can see you have some guys that can take anyone to the limit so I was sitting at home thinking, What do I need to help deal with Roman and Braun? Then it hit me, I need someone that is I can only describe with one word, PHENOMENAL!

Phenomenal began to play as the fans started chanting "This is awesome!" as AJ came out on the stage and stood on the stage for a moment to soak in all the cheers. Scott put up the too sweet sign as AJ walked down to get in the ring. AJ returned the gesture. He smiled as Vince's team were talking trash to the four men in the ring.

Vince: You all are making a big mistake, there is no way that you are walking out of Survivor Series as the winners I mean look at this team, We have the monster among men and the Scottish Psychopath! No man is going to be able to eliminate them.

As Vince was talking he could see Scott put his head down and begin to in a different language that he didn't understand. Scott placed his hands together as if he was praying before raising his head up to the sky with his eyes rolled into the back of his head. AJ held the microphone up to Scott's mouth so he could utter one phrase.

Scott: *In Irish* Tabhair liom an Demon, Balor! (Bring me the Demon, Balor!)

The lights in the arena went off as the stage area was lit with a red aurora. Catch Your Breath begins to play as the fans erupt when the see the Demon crawl out on the stage. He rises from the smoke as Vince was in full panic mode as Balor made his way to the ring. When he stopped to do his signature taunt Scott's entire team along with the fans joined in. Balor was painted in his Venom style makeup as he climbed in the ring and was face to face with Scott. The two of them went for a high five as Scott has now revealed all his team mates for the Survivor Series team.

Scott: Now you can see what awaits you at Survivor Series. We are going to crush your team and you are going to finally see that you started a war that you had no chance of winning.

Scott and the rest of his team signed the contract before they attack the men standing across from them. Balor was able to knock Macintyre out of the ring as AJ hit a phenomenal forearm on Seth. Scott kicked Roman out of the ring before helping Orton flip Strowman out of the ring. The five men took turns landing their finishers on Dean Ambrose before he was pulled out of the ring by the other members of the Shield. Team Reaper circled Vince as he was trying to take in what just happened. Vince turn to face Scott and was hit with Sweet Chin Music that made him fall through the table. Scott and his team celebrated in the ring as the show went off the air.

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