
"Would you consider moving the museum, Blathers? It would draw in quite the number of villagers and visitors if the museum was relocated near all these new shops. We could even add in some extra rooms for new exhibits. It'll be delightful! Of course, it will take a few months of work. Oh and Brewster, I want to also propose an idea to you. Your own standalone coffee shop! What do you say?"

Brewster seemed at a loss for words. "I--"

"And what about you, Blathers?" Tortimer asked.

"Well, give me some time to think if you could..."

"Of course, of course. Take all the time you three need and give me your answer at the soonest moment. I'm looking forward to all these changes when I do have the energy to visit in the future. Here are the bells for that drink, Brewster, and I'll talk to you all later," Tortimer said. He exited the museum faster than Blathers had ever seen him walk.

"I think I'll unpack some of those new coffee bean shipments," Brewster murmured, leaving Blathers and Celeste alone in the cafe.

"Well?" Celeste asked.

"Well, what?"

"Are we going to go for it?" Celeste wondered.

"I don't know..."

"It's just a location change," Celeste explained. "Besides, weren't you complaining about how it got so boring here at times. This is something new! And plus, the museum will basically be unchanged. We can even add those new exhibit rooms Tortimer talked about. There's really no reason for you to say no."

"I know. It'll just be...different," Blathers murmured. "For so long everything here has been stagnant, but this is a big change. I can't believe Tortimer is finally retiring."

"Do you think you'll go for it, then? I'm all for it. Think of how many new visitors we'll have! Oh, I can't wait to show off so many constellations! You can even put me in charge of some of the new exhibit rooms. We can split the work a little more evenly."

"Are you sure?" Blathers asked.

"Of course! You were the one who got me a job here anyway. I'm happy to help. So...are you down for it?"

Blathers nodded. Yes, a little change would be nice. It was nothing huge. A different location and some new faces would be refreshing. But there was still something bothering Blathers. His smile quickly turned into a frown once more.

"Just go talk to him," Celeste murmured. "I'll cover for you."

"Thank you," Blathers said. He quietly headed toward the storage room, where Brewster was busy sorting boxes. As soon as the two made eye contact, Brewster sighed.

"Don't worry. I won't be leaving the museum anytime soon," Brewster said. "You should get back to your post."

"Brewster, you should go for it," Blathers encouraged.

"I'm quite fine not doing so," Brewster stated. "We all know how well the last coffee shop I ran turned out, and I wouldn't want to just leave you and Celeste behind here. I don't make a lot of bells here, but it's comfortable, and my living quarters are here and--"

Blathers stepped forward and grasped Brewster's wing. "Brewster, Celeste and I will be fine. You're not leaving town, are you?"

"No," Brewster answered, letting his wing fall to his side.

"Then there's nothing to worry about. We'll still see each other, and you know I'll stop by every day for your coffee blend. You deserve business outside of this place. You'd get much more customers that way, especially with all those new visitors Tortimer talked about. This isn't the city. You have room to thrive here."

Brewster sighed. "Will you really be okay if I branch off?"

"Of course. I know your heart was never completely in this place. Mine has never been completely in it, either. But you have the chance to finally reopen a coffee shop again. Go for it."

"Thank you, Blathers," Brewster said. "I-I think I will. Do you mind if I head over to Town Hall right now? I'm afraid I'll back out on the decision later."

"Of course. And when you come back, I can't wait to hear all the plans you have for your new shop. I'm excited for the future."

"Me too," Brewster said. With a warm smile, he departed the storage room and Blathers returned to his normal post position.

"I'm assuming you two made up," Celeste said.

"We weren't fighting!"

"Well, I'm assuming Brewster is planning to reopen his own shop then. I'll miss him around here," Celeste said.

"Me too," Blathers replied. "But I think this will be best for all of us."

Celeste nodded and headed back up to the observatory, leaving Blathers on his own again. As he stared forward at the museum's entrance, he smiled to himself, happy to have a little bit of change.


If y'all wanted to...idk...imagine there was a kiss scene between Blathers and Brewster in here I wouldn't be opposed lol....the sheer will it took not to write it in was the greatest restraint I have ever shown. They rlly do be boyfriends.

Hope is the Thing  With FeathersWhere stories live. Discover now