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I'm baaaaaack.

Hello, dear readers! Some of you may remember me from my 2018 work, The Able Sisters. That Animal Crossing fanfiction gained fame I did not know it would, and writing that novel was a truly cathartic and heartwarming experience. I have been wanting to return to the world of Animal Crossing for some time since then, but Animal Crossing fanfictions are hard to write, and I knew I wanted to stick with backstories for the time being. Finally, I decided to focus on another beloved Animal Crossing character:


This little owl has a bigger backstory than one might think, though he is most often known in the franchise for sleeping on his job and shrieking at the sight of a bug. It's about time this character got a bit more recognition, so I wanted to compile his backstory in this novella.

Yes, this book will be a novella (~15 chapters) rather than a novel. While Blathers has an interesting backstory, there is not enough content to make up a novel as long as the truly layered story of the Able sisters. 

I am excited to be back writing in this world, and I hope you will all join me along on this journey as I try my best to give another Animal Crossing character a proper backstory. Stay tuned for regular updates.


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