Chapter 6

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Wow, thank you for all the kind comments those of you have left me since the last chapter! I'm not sure if it was because I hadn't updated in a while or because of New Horizons dropping, but I'm happy to see so many of you enjoying, and to be honest, that's what's encouraging me to write right now. I'm not so sure I would have updated as fast if it weren't for your comments of support, so thank you all!


Blathers impatiently rocked from side to side in the squeaky wooden chair in his professor's office. Professor Cornelius was an owl, like Blathers himself, and perhaps that was why Blathers had grown quite fond of him over the years.

His feathers were a stark white, with the slightest specks of black dots on his wings and tailfeathers. He wore black rectangular glasses which stood on the bridge of his beak. He was wearing them now, in fact, as he looked over Blathers' accomplishments over his past few years at university. Graduation was nearly upon Blathers, but even more exciting would be his continued education for a master's degree.

Professor Cornelius had already agreed to write the recommendation. Blathers had taken quite a few of his archaeology classes, hence how he had gotten to know the professor so well. However, before Professor Cornelius would sign the recommendation, he requested Blathers meet with him to discuss future career opportunities. The idea sounded pleasant to Blathers. He had come to Professor Cornelius for such advice before and only hoped this time it would be especially helpful.

Professor Cornelius pulled out his chair and took a seat. With his pale wings, he shoved papers in order and looked over them with his inquisitive gaze a few more times before turning to focus yellow eyes at Blathers.

"Have you considered an occupation other than an archaeologist?" Cornelius asked at last.

The question surprised Blathers. He shook his head, relating to the professor how his dream, since he was a chick, was to work in archaeology and go out on digs.

"I worry about that," Cornelius said.

"You worry?"

"Because you haven't considered any other options if this doesn't work out. I know you are bent on becoming an archaeologist, but it may be time to consider some alternative careers," Cornelius told him.

"Alternative careers?" Blathers asked. There was a lump in his throat, one that he could not quite swallow.

"The field is small and dying off these days," Cornelius explained. "There's only so much that can be dug, and because of the shrinking field, they will only be looking for the best of the best. I regret to say it Blathers, but your marks, though good, aren't the best I've seen."

Blathers lowered his head in embarrassment. He had done his best to keep up in his studies, but there had been a few classes he had slipped by in with grades that were not quite up to his standard, but still passing, at least. Blathers had thought nothing of them at the time. All that mattered was graduating on time so that he was on the proper track toward gaining his ultimate career.

"You haven't applied to any internships during your time here either. I admit we don't offer too many, but you certainly had the chance."

Blathers could not admit he had been too afraid to apply. The costs were high, his morale was low, and when he thought of leaving behind the daily scent of coffee from The Roost, it already made him homesick.

"You don't offer any internships during the school year?"

"None before your applications are due anyway," Cornelius said.

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