Chapter 27

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I think my pack is safe now. I completly trust Scott. Its been about another three weeks. Alex is getting big. Derek seems to be in love with him. Alex is making Derek have a soft side. So far no one has came after me or Alex. Derek is always in trouble so i cant really say anything.

I say " Im going to the store. We need food.  Want me to take Alex? "

Derek says "That would be nice. Sleep is always good. "

I say " Yeah okay. Will you get him dressed while i pack his bag? "

He nods and i go into his room. I pack a few dipers and wet wipes. Some extra clothes, just in case, and some formula. I bring Derek a outfit and toss it to him. He catches it all weirdly and smile as i laugh at him. He starts dressing him as i make a list of the things we need. Once im done i see Alex ready to go. I walk over to Derek.

I say " Is there anything you want? "

He says " Nope some sleep is all i want right now. "

I chuckle and reach up and kiss him. 

I say " I love you. "

He says " I love you to. Be careful. "

I say " You to. Dont get hurt while sleeping. "

He chuckles and i grab alex and Dereks car keys. I strap Alex in and we go to the store.


I make faces at Alex as i watch him laugh. I get a unsure felling for some reason. I look up and around. I quickly grab my last item and start heading to check out when i stop. Where is everyone? Its so quiet. I ignore it and keep walking. I get to check out and see a man at the register. I start loading things onto the belt. 

"Emily. "

I turn to see Klaus. 

I say "  Youcan see him just dont take him please. "

He says " What did you name him? "

I say " Alex Michael Hale. "

He says " Michael. My fathers name is Michael.  "

I say " Oh. "

I pick up Alex out of his carseat.

He says "Can i hold my baby please? "

I say " Only if you promise not to run. "

He says " You have my word. "

I nod and hand him Alex. I hear a low growl. I turn to see Ennis. one of the alpha pack members.

I say " Klaus. Take Alex. Get him to Dereks. As fast as you can. "

I slowly reach for Alex's bag and hand it to Klaus. I never break eye contact with Ennis. 

He says " What about you? "

I say "Just go. Please. Keep him safe. "

I hear him run off and i look at Ennis.

He says " Your baby is born now. "

I say "Yeah. Whats it to you? "

He says " You have your strength back. "

I say " Yeah witch also means im strong enough to kick your ass. "

He says " Oh yeah? What about three of us? " 

I look to my left to where he was looking. Two twins come out. I eye the two boys thats my age. 

I say " My father is your leader you know that right? "

Ennis says "Yeah i do. He wants you to. "

I say " Well if you think im going to leave m pack, my fs\amily, or my child behind to jion you guys your wrong. Just give up already. "

Ennis says " Well you see. We know one of your weaknesses. I dont want to have to use them so wht dont you just agree to come with us. It will make things easier. "

I say " I dont  have a weakness. "

Ennis looks at the two twins and smirks. They start walking to me, backing me up in a corner. One leans down to my ear as he grabs my waist.

He whispers "So you wouldnt mind if i did this."

He moves over and kisses my neck. I slowly start shaking. Be strong Emily.

I say " No i dont. "

He says "Are you sure because i think i heard your heart skip a beat. "

I say " I uhmm im positive. "

He says " Good. I can leave a few marks if you want. You wouldnt mind would you. "

I say " I uhmm. I have a bo-"

"Good. You dont mind. Lets have some fun then shall we. "

He starts sucking at my neck.  I put my hands on his chest and push him but he stands his ground and stiffens his body so i cant push him. A feel a warm wet drop on my cheek. I reach up and wipe it off and meet eyes with  Ennis who is standing right behind the boy. 

He says " You smell of fear. "

I say " Are you sure its not your boy here. Cause i know he knows that i can kill him right now. "

Ennis says " Then why dont you do it?"

I say " Because he's only doing this because of you. Hes much better than this.  "

Ennis says " Thats my girl. Always looking at the good of people. Aiden you can stop  now. "

The boy quickly moves back. I pull my hand up to my neck  and hide whatever mark he left. He smirks at me and just wtaches my every move.

I say " Im not gonna admit that im  scared of that. Cause then what? One of my enemy's knows my fear. But i will tell you this. If you ever have him touch me like that agian then i will kill you. Not him you. "

Ennis says " You know i really think your funny. "

I say " Then i'll make sure i can give you a few laughs before i do it. "

I look at the door and take off running. 

Falling for you ( Teen wolf & Derek Hale )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora