chapter 10

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I look up at him with my bright blue eyes. He growls and tackles me to the ground. He strattles me and brings his claw up to slice my neck.

I say "Wait, Liam. Think about us. Who I am. You know me. I'm your best friends. Remember what we have. You don't want to hurt me."

He looks at me and climbs off of me. He starts breathing heavy and shaking. I slowly get up and walk to him. It looks like he's having a panic attack. I put a hand on his shoulder causing him to look at me.

I say "Liam! Breath."

He growl and I look him in the eyes. I crash my lips on his. He pulls back and looks at me.

He says "How did you know?"

I say "I used to have panic attacks when it all started. Stress attacks. Holding your breath. Its the cure."

He says "I uhmm, well I just kissed my best friend. I'm kinda confused."

I say "I shouldn't have. I uhm I gotta go."

I don't know what I just did. Its like it wasn't even me. I would never kiss Liam. Hes like a brother and now something inside me did it. I have to tell Derek, I can't just jeep it from him. I walk out and see Scott giving me a glare.

He says "You kissed him?"

I say "It wasn't me. I mean it was me but I don't know what happened. Its like it really wasn't me."

He says "It was your wolf. I did the same thing."

I say "Right well I gotta go. You know tell Derek."

He says "No! I mean we need to talk."

I say "Okay, then spill it."

He says "Malia's real father is Peter. Derek's uncle. Just don't tell her."

I say "Okay. I'm gonna go."

He says "Wait. "

I say "No, I really gotta go."

I walk out to my car and start driving to Derek's. Something is up with Scott. Its like he doesn't want me to go there. I pull up into the driveway and here 3 heartbeats. Dereks, The hunter, and Malia. I walk up to the door and open it. I walk in and see it. Malia and Derek making out. I look at it with tears in my eyes. I hold them back and clear my voice.

The hunter goes "Oh, your in for it."

I say "What the heck Derek! That's your cousin! Thats my best friend. I'm out of here, finis what you started. But when you want to come running back, I'm just gonna say I told you so."

Malia says "Chill, you guys aren't married."

I say "Oh yeah, that's right. You don't know. Let's just put it this way. Peter is your father. Bye. Oh and i kissed Liam, but it was nothing like this."

I turn and walk out of the house and straight off to Liams. I pull into his drive way and get out. I slowly walk to the door and knock. His mom answers and frowns.

She says "Where's Liam? I got a text saying he was with you?"

I say "Oh, uhm. He wanted me to come get something while he talked to a friend."

She nods and opens the door for me. I run upstairs to his room ands grab a shirt, that smells like him. Liam wouldn't have tested his mom before he came to me. Liam was kidnapped. I put it over my arm and grab his charger to his phone. Just so I have something to say to Mrs.Dunbar. I walk back downstairs and hug her. She smiles and nods. I walk out and to my car. I drive off into the woods. I park at the edge and look around. I get out of my car and take his shirt up to my nose. I breath in real deep and close my eyes. I look up when I catch his sent. I run to it. Following it. I end up at a well. I look in it and see Liam.

Falling for you ( Teen wolf & Derek Hale )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن