Chapter 22

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I look around, im covered in blood. I killed him. I killed a inoccent man. For what? To drink his blood. I drank it and enjoyed it. Whats happening to me? 

I curl up into a ball and stare at the scene. I tore him to peices. Tears start falling down my cheeks. I hear tires and my head snaps in that direction. Derek's car. I can already tell. I slowly get up and look down at my body. Im bloody, i dont want to get in his car. Dereks car pulls up and he's instantly by my side. He looks me up and down. I look over and the scene and more tears fall.

I say " Derek, i didnt mean to! I dont know what i did. I killed him. "

I sniff my nose. 

He says " Its okay. Dont worry. We will get through it. "

I say " I killed him. "

I turn my head and i hear footsteps. I see Stiles.

He says " Woah what the hell is that. "

I say " Stiles, this is for the best of you. Go away and stay away from me for a while."

He says " Is that a baby bump? Oh my god Derek, what did you do! "

I sceam " Stiles go away! I did this and i want to do it again." 

I fall to my knees holding my stomach. I scream out in pain. 

" What the? Is she having the baby?"

that was Stiles. 

" No shes trying not to tear you to peices. She will do it. "


I look at her.

I say " What is this. Why am i doing this? "

She says " The baby will come soon. Its a hybrid. Half vampire. It has to have blood to survive. It wont drink yours because your werewolf."

I say " How do i stop it." 

She says " Drink blood on a daily basist. "

I say " How  am i gonna get blood. Im not killing someone. "

She says " Well, i can get you blood bags. Then you have to lock them underground in a cooler to keep them cold."

I say " How much am i supposed to drink? "

She says " About a bag a day. "

I say " It hurts. "

I wipe my eyes and slowly stand up. Derek helps me. 

She says " I know. Im so sorry love but its needed to be done. "

I say " I cant do this on my own. I need your help. I barley know how to take care of a kid. Let alone a hybrid. I dont know anything about them. "

She says " im staying in Beacon hills for a while. Untill a week after you have your baby. Ill help you. When you have the baby, i need to be there. Its gonna be about a week. Your really close. "

I say " Just get me the blood bags or whatever you said. Im not gonna deal with this in the middle of the morning. "

Stile says " Emily, what the heck is going on? "

I say " Stiles, its a long story. "

He says " Well i got time. "

I say " Im pregnant as you can see. Derek is not the father. Im a virgin. A witch put a spell on me. Made me preganant with her brother being the father. The baby is half werewolf, half vampire. Its called a hybrid. "

He says " Those things excist? "

I say " Yeah. Didnt know that either. "

He says " Wait i thought werewolfs cant get preganant. "

I say " Well they can with a powerful witch. "

He says " So its like a miricle baby? "

I say " Right. "

He says " Thats confusing. "

I say " Yeah your not the only one who thinks that. "

He says " how long have you known? "

I say " Well if this was a normal pregnancy, then i would say about 25 weeks. "

He says " But its not so.. How far are you. "

I say " Any time now. Maybe a week. Not so sure. "

He says " Your 18. "

I say " And im a virgin to. "

He says " Your 18 and preganat. "

I say " Stiles, it wasnt my choice. I didnt want it. I still dont. Im not ready to have kids. Not with being an alpha and not being married yet. You dont understand. I already have kids to take care of. And taking care of them gets violent.   Having a baby to watch while doing that is going to be hard beyond word. "

Derek says " Hey, we will get through it. "

I say " Im not ready for this. This isnt something i want. Its to hard. To complicated, to hard to deal with. "

A small tear rolls down my cheek. 

Rebeka says " She will be very emotional. You have to keep watch on her. She wont be herself. She might snap, she might cry, she might be happy, or raged. You just have to be there. "

Derek says " I intend to. "

She says " Good, and make sure she gets the blood. Or she will kill any human around. "

She looks at Stiles.

She says " And he's around a lot. "

Stiles says " Hey, i heard that. "

She says " Just giving a heads up. I must be going now. Ill try to keep Klaus away. Hes difficilut. "

Derek says " I understand. "

She says " Good, i will drop a box off at your door at 5am, blood bags. Get them asap. "

He nods. I stand up holding my stomach. 

I say " Im gonna go walking. Ill meet you at the house. Dont wanna get your car bloody. "

I run off into the woods.

Falling for you ( Teen wolf & Derek Hale )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora