Chapter 7: The Throwback part 5

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Wednesday 31st December 2008

One year later

Lucy's POV:

It was New Year's Eve and I was at Millie's house hanging out for the evening.

Over the past year, Benji and I managed to remain friends without having the extra feelings involved. At least I thought that was the case except for this time it wasn't Benji having the feelings, it was me.

Ever since Benji admitted to having feelings for me I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything reminded me of him and I started noticing different things about him like how I love seeing his smile and I love being the one to make him smile more than anything. I miss him if I don't speak to him during the day and certain songs remind me of him. Every time I know I'm going to see him I get excited but kind of nervous at the same time. It's been like that since about a month after he told me he liked me.

I haven't told anyone but Millie that I have a crush on someone but I don't think she knows it's Benji otherwise she would have gone crazy on me.

Millie and I are sat upstairs in her room whilst we watch supernatural, the tv show on her bed whilst we wait for our dinner to arrive.

"So you going to finally tell me who you fancy or are you going to keep me guessing,"

I groan and move to face her.

"I don't want to say because you're going to think I'm stupid,"

"I promise you, I won't think your stupid,"


"I promise"

"Okay... I think I like Benji," I quickly look down at my hands feeling insecure when Millie squeals.

"Oh My God! You need to tell him!"

"What! No, I will not tell him he probably doesn't even like me the same!"

"Oh trust me, he does!" she grabbed my phone from the bedside table and began typing a message and I desperately try to grab it out of her hands.

"Please don't just give it back!"

"Only if you promise to tell him!"

I fall on top of Millie on the bed now squidging her beneath me as I finally manage to get a grasp on my new flip phone and move back towards the other side of the bed laughing.

"I'll tell him if you tell your crush that you like him too," I say thinking that she won't actually agree to it but then she betrays me and actually agrees. I look at her surprised.

"What? you didn't think I would agree to it?" she begins to text on her phone and so I pull up Benji's number and begin to text suddenly feeling extrememly nervous all of a sudden.

"Mill I really don't want to, I had my chance and I missed it,"

"Trust me, Lu, you will be happy that you do it if you just do it," the look in her eyes told me that I should trust her and so I just continue to write my text message...

"Hey, I don't think I should text him maybe I should just ring him instead because we never text he might not think it's me,"

"Ok fine you can call him but I'm going to text my crush because we do text,"

I click on Benji's contact and it begins to ring. with every ring, I begin to feel more and more nervous each time but then he answers, and then I hear his voice and I instantly feel the butterflies at the sound.

"Hey Bourbon what's up?"

"Um... Hey, Benji just wondered what you were up to?"

"oh yeah I'm good, your at Millie's house tonight aren't you?"

"Um yeah hey I kinda need to talk to you about something?"

"oh okay um let me just go to my room so I can speak to you in private,"

I hear a few muffled voices in the background and then I hear a few doors open and close.

"I'm in private now what's up?"

I take in a shaky breath before I begin to speak again and I decide to just blurt it out.

"I think I like you, Benji,"

It's silence on the other end of the line for a while.

"Hello, you still there Benji?"

"Um... yeah I'm still here, is this a joke or something because I'm - " I cut him off before he can finish off speaking again.

"Benji this isn't a joke,"

There's another long silence on the other end before he speaks again

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure,"

"Lucy I still like you too, a lot,"

"Are you sure,"

"I'm sure Lucy. I love you,"

"I love you too Benji,"

Friday 10th July 2009

Benji's POV:

It had been just over half a year since me and Lucy finally made things official and to say I was happy was an understatement because I couldn't even hide the huge grin that had been spread on my face now ever since that phone call on new years eve.

I was quite surprised when Lucy phoned me because it was a little out of the blue but I was so happy. And today I was finally meeting her after not seeing her for two weeks because she was on holiday and I was so excited because life hadn't been the same not having her here for those two weeks.

I remember feeling like this the first time I saw Lucy after that phone call that we had. I felt excited but a little nervous at the same time. excited because I couldn't wait to see her but nervous because I didn't want things to be awkward between us but then after seeing her I realized that I didn't know why I was so nervous because things were good between us, they were so much better than just good. We were happy.

And now I look down at Lucy and I couldn't help the huge grin that spread out across my face as she laid between my legs with her head resting on my chest whilst we laid out in a field together listening to music laughing and having fun whilst watching the sun slowly set in front of us. Her normally auburn hair shone more red in the sunlight and her freckled skin glowed more and I couldn't believe the amount of love that I had for this girl at this moment because I well and truly loved her. 

More than life itself...

Sorry for the long updates! I try to upload at least once a week but now that I'm back at work it's not as easy to balance it out!

Thank you to those who read my stories I am well and truly grateful for all of those who do read it!

love always,


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