I hope that...whatever is up there is hungry, because—

"Oh, so you're hungry, are you?"

At the sound of Nai Nai's voice, you jumped, and a few of the buns fell from your purse, but Yí thankfully managed to catch the fallen food before it could hit the floor in her own bag, making the two of you sigh with relief.

"Um, sorry, Nai Nai," you offered the old woman a nervous grin and started to back away from her towards Yí's room. "But me and Yí are kind of in the middle of something, so..."

"Oh, so busy as always, are you?" You flinched at the question, and Nai Nai continued. "Honestly, I keep telling your mother: you two need to slow down! Spend more time here, at home, with your family!"

You and Yí only nodded, glancing back at her door every now and then as she slowly lifted her hand to grab the knob.

"Mrs. Lui called me today," Nai Nai began, "Says you're fixing her computer. And Mrs. Yuan in 4-B says you're going to trim her poodle's toenails!"

Nai Nai chuckled and turned to the two of you from over her shoulder, making you both instantly freeze and causing Yí to stop turning the doorknob for a moment as you (forced) yourselves to listen to what else your Nai Nai had to say.

"I like that you're both ambitious. After all, no one wants two, lazy granddaughters." Nai Nai chuckled again. "But, uh," the old woman shook her head and started placing buns on the plate again, continuing on with her rambling.

"Busy, busy, busy! What do you both need to do all that for?"

Turning to the two of you, Nai Nai saw that Yí had now opened her door and that she had gone into her room, leaving you the only one there to speak to her.

A moment of awkward silence passed. But, then, you chuckled nervously and shrugged, beginning to walk into your sisters room after her as you said, "I guess we just like being busy...?"

The door was shut before Nai Nai could even respond.

* * * * *

Popping your heads up, yours and Yí's eyes focused on the small hideaway the creature you had found ealier was in, before slowly climbing up onto the roof fully and opening your bags; revealing all of the pork buns inside.

"Okay," you took a deep breath to reassure yourself. "Let's go, I guess..."

You and Yí tiptoed over to the small hideaway quietly and started setting the pork buns down outside of it in hopes of earning the creatures trust.

"Hey, boy," Yí began. "Or girl," you added, chuckling a little at the end and pouring the rest of the buns out into a pile with your sister. "Are you hungry?" Yí asked.

Just as soon as your sister had said that, a large hand suddenly shot out behind the blue curtain of the hideaway and pulled all of the pork buns in — also causing you and your sister to cry in surprise and fall to the floor, dropping your bags in the process.

"Ow..." you groaned, pushing yourself back up and rubbing your pained back as the creature munched loudly on their treat from the inside. However, once the munching stopped, you blinked and leaned forward — curiosity getting the better of you — when a loud burp was suddenly heard, and you stiffened.

"Oh, yeah," you fanned the air in front of you and held your nose, turning away as Yí snickered next to you.

"He's definitely a boy."

Yí laughed and pulled the medicine you guys had bought from the store before digging around in your purse and pulling out the bandages. When she had both items, she put the bandages under her arm and stood up on her toes and pulled a towel off of the thin wire hanging above.

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