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Athens , Greece

"Amalia make sure you come back by dinner or so help me I'll make you kneel outside!" My mother yelled as I slipped my shoes on running outside.

I sighed feeling the fresh air blow in my hair I start to skip down to the market hailing villagers as I passed I stopped by an alley hearing yelling and whimpering.

I peeked aroudn the side seeing the Hun twins bullying another boy I sneaked behind them and punched Daehyun the impact of the hit sended him flying into a villagers stand.

"A-Amalia" Jaehyun stuttered out seeing my intense glare he immediately ran away helping his brother up and running for his life.

I turned my attention back on the boy who was panting he was battered and bruised I smiled seeing the two black eyes they gave him I laughed putting bandages on his cutes and scrapes.

"You look like a panda!" I watched his eyes widen before he smiled as I helped him up.

"My name is Amalia" I took my hand out of my coat pocket to shake "Kim Seokjin" the boy said brushing the dirt off his shirt I finally noticed how cute he looked.

"Amalia Redstone!"  "Bye panda!" I yell as I run home for dear life.


Jin sat there watching the short enegetic girl run away Jin shook his head smiling like a dork. Panda? What in the world made her name me that.

I used my healing powers to heal my wounds and cuts in the alley. I started at my scroll seeing a new task appear on it in bols letters.

Hang Out with Amalia

Okay now I just need to find out where she lives easy peasy since this is an entire village and houses are almost fused together I groan.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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