July - Movie inspired

Start from the beginning

He was her other half.

When he was here, she wasn't cold. She didn't want to feel the sun's rays anymore because, he was letting his energy, his good mood and his optimism infiltrate and warm her heart. Make her feel at peace.

With Naruto, she wasn't scared anymore.

"I'm home!"

Her thoughts were so loud in her head, like each time she'd felt anxious, that she didn't even hear his pickup or his keys opening the door.

He called her because he must be surprised to not see her at the door.

Hinata adjusted the burner's blue flame and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Or rather, around his tick scarf and turned up coat collar.

As soon as he embraced her too, she's sure he's smiling, he got rid of her torments.

Delivering by car with such weather wasn't easy and Hinata couldn't help but get worried. Naruto would drive for so long each day that she kept praying that nothing ever happens to him.

But his warmth was already melting her, keeping her in their little bubble where everything was fine.

She would've loved to stay in his arms forever but she knew he was tired and wanted to have a bath to wash the cold away from his bones. So, she stepped back. But, he took advantage and cupped her face between his hands. His rough thumbs slid on her cheeks and his lips met hers for a few seconds.

It's enough to make her heart jump.

She loved him so much.

"I bought you some chocolate."

He took a pink and black box with a bow on top out of the paper back of her favourite chocolatier and gave it to her while he took off his shoes and hung his coat on the hook.

"Are you trying to make me fat?"

He pulled on his bobble hat, freeing his wild blonde hair. His bandana only could prevail his locks to fall in his eyes.

"No, I'm not..." he tenderly sighed.

He paused. Looking at her belly, he put his hands on his knees.

"And how's your day in here? I bet you're confortable, eh?"

She was only a few weeks pregnant. A pleasurable surprise that quickly poisoned her mind, feeding her bad habit to always overthinking on everything. Fortunately, Naruto saw it right away and made her comfortable. She found the courage she needed to tell him the news. Despite their situation rather complicated, he busted in tears of joy, repeating that he was happy and that he loved her forever, smoothing Hinata's nerves.

Since then, even if her body didn't change at all, he was much more attentive, his eyes shone with innocence again and his energy overwhelmed her more. She often said, while giggling and bushing, that it won't make the baby come quicker.

"Me too, I'd love mama to keep me warm because it's freezing outside."

When his ocean blue pupils met hers, tinted with pearly white nuances, Hinata squeezed the box against her chest, afraid her heart might jump out of it.

For God's sake, why was she blushing like a teenager? It was like she was still the college student who couldn't stop fainting everything Naruto was close to her.

"I missed you..."

But look what he was whispering to her!

"It's not an excuse to buy me chocolate, we saw each other this morning."

Still Falling for You [NH year 2020]Where stories live. Discover now