Chapter 3

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Jackson was sitting on the couch, texting to some friend of his. Lola has left and Ramona was eating in the kitchen. A part of her wanted to go and ask Jackson how it came and he didn't start awkwardly flirting with Lola. And so she decided to go and talk to him.

"Jackson Fuller, what's wrong with you?" she asked and he gave her a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lola, duhh! Everytime she decides to come by, you release your Action Jackson and J-Money self and start flirting with her. Oh, FYI, you flirt awfully bad. So here I am, asking why didn't you do the excact same things as all the other times," Ramona crossed her arms.

"Have you ever thought that I might not like her anymore?"

"You? Not liking Lola? Pffft, please!" Ramona laughed and Jackson rolled his eyes. He was being serious. Lola wasn't his dream girl anymore. But no one would actually believe him after crushing on her so hard for the past three years. Ramona noticed him actually being serious, so she stood up and looked at him. She grabbed his chin and made him look back at her.

"Are you serious?" she asked. He just nodded.

"Okay, I believe you. Who's the other girl? Do I know her?"

"There's...there's no other girl. Why can't you just believe that I'm over Lola and I don't have a stupid crush on anyone?!" Jackson asked a little bit annoyed by Ramona's too many questions.

"Because, J-Money always has a crush on someone. Plus, the only way to get over your Lola, is to find someone else. So spill the beans, Fuller, what's her name?"

"I'm done with you, Ramona. I said there's no other girl, OK?"

"No. I'll find out who's your secret crush. Watch out, Jackson Fuller."


Veronica was laying on Ramona's bed, when the door cracked open and Stephanie walked in.

"Hey, Veronica. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much. How about you, Steph?"

"Same. Listen, I just wanted to let you know that me, DJ, and Kimmy are going on a girls' night. Max is staying over at a friend of his, and Ramona will stay at Fernando's tonight. But don't worry, you'll be with Jackson, Tommy, and Cosmo," Stephanie said.

"Yeah, sure. No problem. Hey, Steph, um, can I ask you something? It's about Jackson.."

"Sure, anything. What's up?"

"Do you happen to know if, ehh, Jackson has a girlfriend?" said Veronica, a little bit quickly. Steph chuckled.

"Nah, I don't think so. Jackson only has crushes. Why do you ask? Are you intrested?"

Veronica laughed.

"No, not at all. Just asking, because Ramona told me everything about his awful flirting skills."

"Ohh, ouch! That must hurted if he heard you," Steph mocked him crying and then they both laughed.

"Okay, I'll go downstairs. I need to help Kimmy with some stupid things. And as I said, don't worry about later. You'll have Jackson and Tommy. And Cosmo."

"Yeah, but I think it's better if you say that Jackson has me. He'll get way more afraid than me, if he hears a noise from outside."

Stephanie agreed and chuckled.

'Hmm.. a night with Action Jackson. Yeah, it might be good,' Veronica thought and continued reading her favorite book.


"Bye, kids! Don't forget to feed Tommy before he goes to bed," DJ said and kissed Tommy's cheek. Ramona waved goodbye and hugged Veronica, who closed the door after everyone left. Jackson was holding Tommy in his arms. He sat down on the couch with Veronica and turned on the TV.

"What do you want to watch?" Jackson asked and she shrugged.

"I have no idea. You choose," she replied, but Jackson insisted on her choosing something to watch.

"Are we seriously going to argue?" Veronica asked, chuckling slightly. Jackson shook his head and asked her if she wanted to watch a horror movie. Veronica nodded and so they started watching.

A couple of moments later, a creepy scene popped up on the TV and Jackson literally jumped on Veronica and screamed. The popcorn was all over her and Tommy was just laughing. Veronica patted Jackson's back, who was still holding her tight.

"There, there, brave boy," she chuckled and he fixed his shirt, sat back on his seat and froze the movie.

"It's alright, Jackson. I'm here, don't worry. We'll get through this together."

"Hahaha, yeah, I was just.. Nevermind," he blurted out, embarrassed. Veronica laughed and put her hand on his hair, rubbing it softly.

"You're so adorable, but for your own good, I think we should stop watching this movie and feed Tommy. Then we can do something else, not so scary," she suggested and Jackson blushed. 'Did she actually just call me adorable, or was it my imagination?' he thought as he turned off the TV and got Tommy back in his arms.

"Yeah, let's go to the kitchen," he said and Veronica followed him. She handed Jackson the milk from the fridge and watched him feeding Tommy with it.

"Now it's time for bed, Tommy. Let's go to your bed! Let's go," Jackson said with sweetness in his voice, causing Veronica to smile. They went in Tommy's room, where Jackson placed him in his cradle. He tickled him, sang his favorite Flinstone intro to Tommy, and whispered some sweet things.

"Go to sleep, Tommy. I love you. Good night," he said and kissed his forehead. The baby fell asleep within a few minutes and Jackson turned off the lights and closed the door. Veronica followed him outside and as soon as he got out off Tommy's room, she hugged him. Jackson was confused, but he liked the feeling of having her in his arms. He slowly hugged her back and smiled. Veronica pulled away, still having an arm on his shoulder.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Sorry, I just wanted to do that and it felt so right that moment. You were so sweet with Tommy and I felt this urge, to hug you immediately. You're so nice with kids, Jax," Veronica replied with a smile.

"Oh, thanks, Veronica. I've been taking care of that little guy since I was 12. And I love him so much."

"Awhhh! I'd love to see a 12 years old Jackson taking care of Tommy," she squealed and Jackson chuckled.

"No, you wouldn't. It would be so embarrassing."

"I think it would be really cute. Now let's go downstairs to have a snack or something."

"Sure, coming."

Jackson and Veronica went downstairs. They shared a box of Oreos. Veronica was still talking about how sweet Jackson was with little Tommy and he couldn't help but blush.

"You know, Jax, you would be such a great father in the future. Any girl would be so lucky to have you."

"Thank you," Jackson blushed. Her smile was so wide and her teeth so white.

"Any guy would be lucky to have you," he said and Veronica chuckled.

"Thanks, Fuller. Wanna go in the living room and watch TV? But not a horror movie again. Something like...a comedy?"

"Yeah, sure."


After a while, Jackson felt someone resting on his shoulder and he turned his head around to see Veronica half-asleep. He blushed and turned off the TV. Her hair smelt like maple syrup and he loved it. Jackson got up and rested her body on the couch. He wrapped a blanket around her, but as he was ready to go upstairs, a hand grabbed his tightly.

"No, don't go, please," Veronica mumbled half-asleep. She wouldn't let his hand go away, so he nodded and made some space on the couch for him. Veronica snuggled closer in his chest and Jackson smiled widely. He snaked his arms around her waist to hold her closer.

"Night, Veronica," he whispered and closed his eyes. "Mmmm, night, Jax.." she replied in a sleepy tone.

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